Chapter Five

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((Ok! So, if you want clarification of what's going on in this chapter, go to the bottom! It may be a little confusing!))

~John's POV~
Oh... Alex, be nice to Jemmy.
I don't know why you don't like him.
(AH: "Hey Tommy can you make edible food?")
He's so nice to you.
(TJ: "Of course I can")
He cries himself to sleep. Just because you're mean to him.
(AH: "Then why did you make inedible food?")
This isn't making me happy Alex.
(TJ: "MacNCheese pancakes are perfectly fine, right Jemmy?"
JM: "No... Thomas... No..."
AH: "I agree with James. Just- No")
Being in heaven... watching my lover- almost fiancé and best friend fight... it's not something I want Alex.
You used to be nice to him.
(TJ: "You guys suck"
AM: "I suck~")
Ew Alex I'm trying to talk.
But... I miss having those moments with James... he was so shy, so- Submissive, but sometimes he'd top. Every second he'd ask if I was ok. I like that about him.
He cared, he didn't wanna hurt me...
(JM: "..." James sighed and muttered to himself, "I miss John...")
I miss you too Jemmy... I want you but...
I want you to stop trying to join me. Thomas is always going to stop you... he promised me he would. So he moved you in. He's keeping his promise. I want you... but I can wait.

My love...
You're not due for another 40 years...
But I'll wait...
I'll wait for you.
(JM: "Thomas.. just let Alex cook"
TJ: "Jemmy.. are you crying?"
Alex tensed at the nickname)
Alex... Let him help Jemmy.
Learn to share.. you shared me...
(JM: "No... I'm fine Thomas..")
Jemmy let him help you.
(TJ: "Jemmy let me help.. please"
AH: "..."
JM: "Go help Alex. He doesn't like you around me anyways..."
Thomas shot a small glare to Alex.
TJ: "That's not how it is Jemmy..."
JM: "Yes it is. It's all over his face... I'm- going to spend the night at the Girl's house ok?"
TJ: "Ok...")
Alex... you're hurting him.
You used to be nice.
You used to be close
Then why
Why did it stop?
Who do you hate him?
Why do you put Thomas over everything?
Over what you very well know what will make me happy?

Your kindness to James stopped when I died. Is that what you need Alex? A reminder of death?... maybe... maybe you'll remember what loosing someone is like... very soon.

Then maybe you'll be nice to James.

((Hi guys!! So- explanation time.
This was all from John's point of view! All his thoughts collecting as he's watching over James from the other side.
The bold talking in parentheses ( )
Is what's happening in real like around him.
The chatter Thomas, James and Alex would have right after the previous chapter.
John knows some things we don't.
He knows the future a little. He's a little bit of a narrator in this book, being dead and all SORRY ABOUT THAT AGAIN JFC
L O V E. M E.
Anyways- I know many of y'all are sad about John's death, but that doesn't mean he won't pop up from time to time!
Sorry about the Chapter time gaps. I'm like. It's finals week.
Yaaaaaay- (someone please kill me)
I'm writing this at midnight when I should be sleeping hahahahahahahahaha
I have a final 1st period...
please tell me I'll get a good grade John.
John: Sorry Author-Chan! Probably not. Maybe if you studied- slept- ate. Eat goddamn it. Put your anorexia-
That's enough from you John. See y'all soon!))

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