Cheaters and Judges (Krillin x Reader

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So right off the bat I'm posting a Krillin oneshot, since he deserves some love. I would say this is before DBZ, but after Dragon Ball. Within that three year frame, maybe? I don't own anything aside from the story. Characters belong to Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. Enjoy, friends. 

      You tap a pencil against the table as you rest your chin on your palm. The other two judges were talking between themselves, and the announcer was flirting with a prize girl. You frown and lean back in your seat, spotting a couple of the contestants from your seat. One that caught your eye was a green individual, and there was quite a bit of orange back there.

      "Hey, are you ready to go?" the announcer asks, leaning against the table. The other two judges nod and begin shuffling their papers. Graham was the one actually assigning grades to the fighters, Bash was judging the performance, and you were the one looking for rule breaking.

      "I think we are," Graham answers, looking between you and Bash. You nod and push your air out of your face, ready to watch the fights. As an avid fighter, you were excited to see what they could do. The announcer nods before walking into the center of the arena proudly.

      "Ladies and Gentlemen!" he begins, and you tune him out. Who cares, really, about this same old speech? "And now, for our first fight: Krillin and Chai!" Out comes one of the orange-clad fighters, and his goliath. They stand in the center of the ring and lower their bodies into defensive stances. Something about the big guy concerned you. He was way too cocky, could it have anything to do with the size of his opponent? The fight began, and Krillin was losing. Each time he stood up, Chai would knock him back down. Now you knew something was wrong. Waving over the announcer, you scowl at the fight. "What is it?"

      "Chai is wielding a weapon. Hiding it in his left wristband," you say, shaking your head. Bash blinks and looks, adjusting his glasses.

      "How can you be so sure?"

      "Just stop the match and check," you shrug. "Besides, Krillin's wounds aren't normal, they look wrong." The announcer frowns and taps the microphone.

      "Well you're gonna call it, that guy could crush my skull."

      "Fine." You hop over the table and follow him to the edge of the ring, where Krillin was nearly pushed off the edge. Hopping up onto the ring, both fighters stop and look at you and the announcer.

      "One of our judges has an announcement," the announcer spoke into the microphone, causing a murmur to spread through the crowd. The announcer hands the microphone to you and steps back.

      "For using a weapon in his fight, fighter Chai has been disqualified," you announce, and quite a few people begin to boo you. Chai scoffs and crosses his arms.

      "Nice try, woman, but I've been winning this using my own fists."

      "Nice try, Goliath, but you have a T-89 under your left wristband," you shrug. Chai's face pales and he begins to move his wrist out of the way, though Krillin catches his arm. The smaller fighter moves the band, and out falls the small device. The announcer picks up the object, and takes the microphone from you.

      "For this disgusting display of cheating, Chai is disqualified and Krillin moves on into the next round!" Chai begins to stalk away, though he send you a glare before leaving the ring.

      "Uh, hey, thanks for that," Krillin chuckles, blushing as he glances to the side.

      "It's my job," you shrug. "Besides, a fair fight is much more interesting than a rigged one." Krillin nods and watches you walk away, then stumbles out of the ring to his friends.


      The tournament ended, and you were speaking with your fellow judges. The announcer, again, was flirting with the prize girls.

      "I'm still impressed you caught Chai's cheating. I would have never spotted it," Bass admits, shaking his head. "To be honest I figured you were just here to level out the gender ratio, but it turns out I was wrong." You glare up at him, making the older gentleman sweat nervously. "Sorry, no, I didn't mean anything offensive when I said-"

      "Its fine," you sigh, crossing your arms. Graham loosens his tie with a long sigh.

      "You're a fighter, are you not? Why not join the tournament yourself?"

      "Never was good in front of crowds," you respond, smiling a bit. You glance at your watch before scrunching your nose. "Well, the festival is still swinging. I'm going to find a place to eat, see you guys later." You wave to the two as you walk away from them. Ramen sounded fantastic, right about now. Spotting a shop, Ichiraku's, you duck into the restaurant and take a seat at the counter. You order a bowl and wait patiently, eyes darting around in order to look at the walls.

      "Oh, hey," a voice greets, earning your attention. Krillin. The smaller male blushes a bit and rubs the back of his head. "Uh, would you mind if I sat next to you?"

      "Go for it," you shrug, watching as he takes the seat. "So how are you feeling?" Krillin had been beaten in the third round, having lost to Piccolo.

      "Everything hurts, but I'll get over it," Krillin laughs, he then orders his own bowl of ramen. "So I overheard you talking with the other judges," he admits, "You're a fighter?"

      "I'd like to think so," you chuckle, "Though I wouldn't call myself very good." Your bowl of ramen is served, but you don't touch it. "More of an exercise than anything."

      "Hey, that's still respectable," Krillin shrugs. His bowl is ready soon after. You both grab a pair of chopsticks before eating your meals.

      "Ah, here's Krillin!" a voice calls, earning your attention. A fighter (his name was something such as Yamchi or Yimcha) stands at the entrance and sends Krillin a look. Goku peeks his head in and grins.

      "You ran off so quickly, we were looking everywhere for you!" Goku admits. By now, Krillin's face is cherry red. Goku looks over to you before his face lights up. "Hey, you were one of the judges, right?"


      "Yeah, she's the cute one that called out that cheating jerk. The one who saved Krillin's tail." Yimcha? Yamchi? The other male grins.

      "Yamcha, that is hardly polite-" Krillin quickly scolds, but Goku then cuts him off.

      "Oh yeah! The one you were watching!" You glance to Krillin, who looks as if he would rather die than be in his seat. Goku stops before realization dawns on him. "Well, he wasn't watching you to be a creep," he quickly begins, while Yamcha begins laughing. The two take a seat on Krillin's other side, then order their bowls. Krillin is covering his face, something you find oddly endearing.

      "So I was being watched, huh?" you question, turning to face the three men. Krillin's head falls onto the counter as he lets out a small whine. You pay for you ramen before writing something down on a napkin. "Well, for as fun as this has been..." You give a salute before walking out of the restaurant. The three men look between themselves before Krillin grabs the napkin. Your phone number is neatly printed, and there's a note. Instead of watching me from a distance, give me a call and we can work out a date. (Y\N) (L\N). Krillin's face becomes bright red while Yamcha and Goku laugh. 

So this one isn't edited too much, so I may revisit this one later to  fix any mistakes. 

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