Training (Ginyu Force x Cooler's Daughter! Reader)

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So, this one is less romantic based and more platonic? I suppose you could claim there's some chemistry thrown in, but that wasn't supposed to be the focus? And there are lots of time skips, and this is mostly dialogue, sorry!

      "You wish for me to train you?" You keep your eyes down, but nod. He laughs, and you hear his tail hit the floor. "You'd rather train with me than with your father!" You risk glancing up, Frieza is grinning behind the hand on his face. "Very well, I'll take you on as my pupil, (Y\N)."

      "Thank you, Uncle," you sigh happily. Frieza nods and rubs his chin.

      "You are my favorite niece, after all."

      "And it would royally piss off my Father."

      "That to."


      "Uncle," you whisper, eyes darting to the side. "Must I have guards looking after me?"

      "You're hardly fit to protect yourself, especially from my enemies," Frieza replies, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. "Don't act so somber, Kuriza is treated the exact same way." You frown but nod, turning again to look at the fools trying to hide behind a corner. You had noticed the five soldiers quite some time ago, yet they never tried to come directly in your line of sight.

      "Uncle, who are they, anyways?"

      "The Ginyu Force, five of my most elite soldiers."

      "And you're aware that they're terrible at hiding, correct?"

      "I'm surprised they even tried to hide. They're usually in your face at all times." You nod and mull the information over. Interesting indeed.


      You walk down the halls while rubbing your cheek. The large bruise causes you to wince, Frieza really goes all out in his training. But on the bright side, you were able to keep up until he called the match. On the flip side, however, you were not in the mood for bullshit. Bullshit including the antics of your assigned body guards. You soon come to a stop in the hall, hands clenching into fists.

      "If you have something to say, come out with it," you growl. Silence. So they wish to play like that, huh? Raising your left hand, you flick your index finger to the right. Several of the soldiers fall from their hiding space. You remain silent, but your tail begins to flick back and forth in irritation. "Well?"

      "I, uh," the red one stutters before looking back to his hiding space. "C-Captain what do I say?" he whispers, though you still hear him. You growl before stalking down the hall, leaving the Ginyu Force members alone.


      "That's amazing, Uncle!" you cheer, looking over him. He finally achieved a new form, this one he called his "Golden Form". And if you were being honest, it was far better than your father's extra form.

      "Quite," he smirks, looking at his hands. "I'll admit it, I had my own motivations for taking you on as my pupil," he admits. "Aside from the fact that you are my niece, you are also one of the few who could ever dream of matching me. I will admit I was using you to train myself."

      "The training was benefitting us both, so I see no reason to be upset," you shrug. You soon frown and look to the side. "Will I still be able to train with you?"

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