Flashbacks (Master Roshi x Granddaughter!Reader)

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Hi! This one is kind of sad, and there's a lot of timeskips! To be honest I want to make a Part Two, and it is still in the works. Anyways, this was requested by IWuvBoox! Hope you enjoy it!

         "Hey, Master Roshi," Krillin calls over his shoulder. The old man hums in acknowledgement, which makes Krillin turn around. "I've always meant to ask, what's this picture here?" The bald man lifts up the picture in his hands, which makes Master Roshi sigh and wave his hand. The fact that it's taken this long for anyone to ask was impressive. The others around him settle in to hear the story as well. Goku, Oolong, Yamcha, Bulma and Krillin surround him while the others find something more interesting. Krillin hands his mentor the picture and leans over his shoulder to continue looking at it.

         "This is a very old picture," Master Roshi begins. "This is me and my granddaughter, (Y\N)." This makes everyone in the room look around in shock; Master Roshi has a granddaughter?

         "So, why haven't we met her?" Bulma asks, looking up at the ceiling. You would think that (Y\N) would be around all the time, right? Unless...

         "She died young," Master Roshi admits quietly. "Almost 50 years before you all came to me for training." The room stays silent, and everyone shifts nervously. The look of the young girl's face makes Master Roshi smile softly, and run a finger over the glass protecting the picture.


         "Grandpa, Grandpa!" a voice squeals, making Master Roshi look over. You run over and tackle his legs before grinning up at him. The sight of your missing tooth makes him raise a brow. "I was climbing a tree and I feel and now my tooth is out!" you laugh, holding up your hand with the missing tooth.

         "Are you alright?" You nod quickly before pointing at the tree you were climbing.

         "Yeah, but did you know there's a bird's nest up there?" Master Roshi looks up and spots the bird in the nest. "They're really pretty birds," you laugh, "But they don't like it when you bother them." You look back up at your grandfather before sending him a large grin. "But they're really nice." Master Roshi lets out a loud laugh before patting your head.

         "I'm sure they are. Come on, you should go clean up." You bob your head before running inside the house to clean your face. Master Roshi shakes his head with a smile. Children are certainly a handful.


         "She loved nature, and she was always getting into trouble," Master Roshi explains. He looks out the window as his eyes settle on a tree; from here he can spot an abandoned bird's nest. "Whenever she got hurt, she'd laugh it off and continue to play."

         "It sounds like she was handful, especially for an old man like you," Oolong laughs, which makes the rest of the room chuckle along with him. Master Roshi nods in agreement before taking a sip from his beer.

         "She was, that's for sure."


         You stare down at the old photo album with wide eyes; your grandfather used to be such a cool fighter! You look up at watch as he makes lunch before grinning. You run into the kitchen and crash into the cabinets to his right, which makes him jump and frown at you.

         "(Y\N), be careful," he scolds playfully, which makes you laugh. "What could have possibly gotten you this worked up?"

         "I've decided what I want to do!"

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