Chapter 3

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In The POV of a Certain Main Character

Who pulled the trigger

Yet another day in the Glade...


"It's a test, Newt -- the whole thing is a test."
Newt nodded, "Like an experiment."


A long moment passed before Alby replied. "Maybe I should..."
He trailed off and started walking forward--in the direction of the Cliff--slowly, as if in a trance. Thomas watched in detached awe--he couldn't believe his eyes.


She pushed the button and everything went perfectly silent. Then, from somewhere down the dark tunnel, came the sound of a door sliding open.


With a sickening, wet thunk, the dagger slammed into Chuck's chest, burying itself to the hilt. The boy screamed, fell to the floor, his body already convulsing. Blood poured from the wound, dark crimson.


They killed her, Aris said back to him. They killed my best friend.


"My name is Jorge," he said, his arms outstretched as if he expected applause for his acrobatics, "And I'm the Crank who rules this place."


She turned from him and started walking again, her light shining forward. "I am a Crank, Thomas. Got the Flare, I'm a Crank. You are too."


"Hello, noses!" a hideous voice yelled from the room.
Then a bloody hand reached through the doorway and grabbed Thomas by the shirt.


The darkness had him fully now, "You're not...her." His voice, distant. A mere echo. "You could never be her."
And then she fell away and his mind did the same.


Before anyone could move, he fired, and explosion that rocked the narrow alley with a thunderous boom.
Pure pain ripped through Thomas's left shoulder.


"Fine." She replied. "Aris, let's open the door. Time for Tom to go."


Teresa didn't hesitate. She wrapped her arms around Thomas's neck, pulling him in. He didn't have enough will to resist.
They kissed, but nothing stirred inside Thomas. He felt nothing.


"Rise and shine boys," the Rat Man said. "We've decided to give you your memories back after all. Like it or not."


"Sorry Tommy," Newt muttered in his ear. "Could've been a bit more gentle, I 'spect."


Words started spilling from his mouth, but he had no idea wjere they came from.
"I cant...let this."


"You gonna kill me, slinthead?" Minho asked, "Gonna throw that thing just like Gally did to Chuck? Do it, then. Throw it."


"Follow me. And remember, if any of your body parts becomes detached to an unfortunate encounter with a Crank, I highly advise you to leave said body part behind and run like hell. Unless it's a leg, of course."


Kill me. If you've ever been my friend, kill me.


"Please, Tommy. Please."
With his heart falling into a black abyss, Thomas pulled the trigger.


WICKED had hidden the immunes in the Maze.


Blood streaked her face, and her arm looked crushed.


Everything above belongs to James Dashner and the Maze Runner series.


Third Person POV...

"WICKED is good."

Those words rang in Thomas's mind.


Hw remembers Teresa writing that on her arm when she first arrived.

That was all they heard when they got out of the Maze.


The word was a whisper.

Slowly he began to tune into his surroundings. He realized his eyes were closed and he was lying on a bed.

The last thing he remembered was talking with Brenda, then his mind had went fuzzy. Maybe he was injured somehow.

"Tom, please wake up."

He knew that voice.

It sure wasn't Brenda.

He struggled to force his eyes open, only to be blinded by the light.

He struggled into a sitting position and looked around.


It seemed impossible, but somehow, he was back in the Homestead.

"Tom! You're awake! Are you okay?"


Slowly, he turned to face the voice.

His former best friend stood there. A girl he had trusted. A girl he had witnessed the death of.


This book has really fast updates, whoops.

~ Blackie

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