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Jae woke up in a coughing fit so painful, she couldn't move to get up for a glass of water. She was doubled over in pain as she continued to hack violently. Jin came rushing in, awoken by the sounds of Jae's horrible coughing.

"Here! Here! I brought water. Drink." he held the glass to her lips and forced her to swallow slowly as she gulped down the cool liquid. "There we go."

"Thank you oppa." her voice came out weak and raspy. Jin had a sudden thought and reached to feel her forehead.

"Oh my god, you're burning up. I think you have a fever. Wait right here, I'm going to get a thermometer." he ran out and came back, thermometer in hand as he motioned her to open her mouth so he could check her temperature.

"What does it say?" she asked.

"102. Jae, you have a fever. You're sick."

"What? No way. I can't be. I feel fine." Jae, being the stubborn girl she was, immediately denied the facts in hopes that she wouldn't have to stay in bed as she knew Jin would make her do.

"Eunnie, you're not getting out of this bed until I say you're ok to. So lie down and go to sleep while I go make some soup for you to drink." he said sternly.

"I don't want to stay in bed all day!" she whined.

"No excuses. If you rest now, you can come back sooner." Jin knew that would do the trick and she immediately lay down.

"Oppa, tuck me in." she asked cutely. Jin looked back with a small smile and went over to pull her covers up and tuck them around her so she was warm. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and then left her to go make soup.

The other boys had woken up by now and were slowly filtering in to the kitchen and the living room. One by one they appeared in their fresh states.

"Wait, where's JaeJae?" V asked.

"She's sick. She woke up coughing and when I checked her temperature it was 102." Jin replied from his place near the stove where he was stirring some broth.

"Aw, our baby is sick!" J-Hope whined. "Who's going to randomly dance with me now?"

"Calm down, she's not dying." Jungkook said. Jimin was attempting to leave the room to go to hers when he was caught by Suga.

"Yah! Come back here and let that child rest! You can see her when she's awake or when she gets better!" he wanted her to get better faster so that they could work on music together and cuddle again.

"Can I bring her the soup?" RM asked.

"Namjoon-ah, you'll probably spill it or break the dish somehow on your way there anyway. I'm going to send Taehyung to feed her. You can come with me to pick up medicine if you want." Jin replied.

"Yay! I get to feed her!" Tae whooped and hollered.

The boys spent the next four days taking care of their dongsaeng. Jungkook sang to her and Jimin would read stories with her to keep her entertained. J-Hope would constantly pop in and make her laugh. Namjoon would try to bring her a wet towel or medicine without breaking anything and Jin would be in between either scolding RM or caring for Jae. Yoongi and Tae would be doing whatever they could to help and eventually they all nursed her back to health.

Author's Note:

Hi! I don't know if I really like this chapter. I feel like there's not enough dialogue and too much context. Let me know what your thoughts are! And I still haven't gotten any requests for chapters. Please message me or comment any ideas! I would love to write them as best as possible for you!

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