namjin || hugs

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[namjoon x seokjin]

    Namjoon's eyelids drooped as he wrote the last sentence of his new song. Perfect. He thought in his mind, glad and relieved that he had finally finished. It took him days just to finish one song and completed it in the middle of the night. Holding the pen in his hand, he closed his eyes for a second.

He suddenly jolted awake. "I can't just sleep here on my desk." He put a Ryan paperweight on his work, stood up and switched the lights off. Instantly, he dived into his Ryan-themed bed and let himself sink into the comfortable bed, relaxing his body. He felt as if he was sleeping on puffy clouds. As sleep enveloped him, his mind was awake, thinking about one special person...


    It's finally dawn. The morning sun rose to its zenith, the hazy rays of sunlight peeped out gingerly from behind the fluffy clouds, casting a warm glow on the grass field below. Being too comfortable and lost in his dreamworld, Namjoon continued to sleep, enjoying the peace.

    Jin knocked on Namjoon's door several times, each with different patterns but to no reply. He sighed and thought to himself. He's overworked himself too much. He needs to get more sleep.

Unfortunately, Namjoon has to wake up or else he would not have time for breakfast. Jin sighed and reluctantly entered Namjoon's room. The first thing he saw was Namjoon sleeping, hugging his Ryan plush. Jin stared at his relaxed, sleeping face that glowed under the light of the sun. His heart beated faster everytime he breathed in. He was beautiful.

But of course not prettier than Jin.

That did not stop him from thinking that Namjoon was cute. His pastel pink hair hanging off his forehead, the small smile on his lips while sleeping, showing off his adorable dimples. He loved it. Sadly, he was not his, and he believed he would never be. Jin felt afraid of Namjoon. Or more specifically, more afraid of rejection.

The confidence he shows in front of the camera was just a mask for his delicate interior. Jin learnt to hide his sentimentality with a facade of being a person with confidence over his looks. He wanted to pretend that he was opening up more to others for his fans to not worry about his timidity. So confessing to Namjoon was a great difficulty, and even more if he rejects.

Jin stepped towards Namjoon quietly and slowly sat down at the edge of the bed, admiring the masterpiece lying on it. He layed his eyes on his chiseled facial features sadly, wishing he could capture his soft, plump lips. Forgetting about waking him up, he sat with a dejected expression plastered on his face.

The bright light from outside blinded Namjoon as he opened his eyes, but what really blinded him was the good looks of the person sitting on his bed. Jin?! He screamed in his mind, eyes widening. Jin jumped at Namjoon's sudden movement.

"O-o-oh good afternoon, I-I mean, m-morning Joonie-"

Jin immediately clamped his mouth at the nickname he accidentally called Namjoon. The latter was astonished as well as abashed at Jin's cute stuttering. He sat up, propping himself up properly with a beet red face. Silence set upon them like a spell, both embarrassed. Both of them are alone in the room together. Anything could happen, but not yet.

Namjoon decided to break the ice first, with a question he was so very curious about. The way Jin acts when near him. Jin distances himself everytime Namjoon walks to him, and whenever he was able to go near him, Jin would always have a melancholic look on his face.

"U-Umm... Hyung... Can I ask you a question?" Namjoon asked. Jin nodded.

"Why do you always have a sad expression on your face whenever I see you? A-Are you okay?" Jin seemed to freeze, eyes wide as saucers. Namjoon is a very observant person indeed, especially when it comes to emotions. Being the leader of BTS, he needed to ensure the welfare of his fellow members.

Not knowing what to reply with, Jin sat there with an expressionless face. How did he notice? Was it too obvious? Reluctantly, he revealed the reason, deciding to include his confession into it.

"W-Well, it's too much for me to be next to you." Hearing the first part of the reason disheartened Namjoon because it sounded more like a criticism of him. Like Jin disliked being together with him. But then Jin continued.

"It's so troublesome for me whenever you're next to me. My heart would always feel like it would explode whenever I'm near you... You just make me feel things that I've never felt before... I-I just love being near you that I don't want to go near you. I'm sorry if you don't feel the same... B-But... I love you, J-Joonie..."

The unexpected love confession surprised Namjoon in a good way. He did not know that he had that effect on Jin. Everything felt like a dream, so surreal. It was rare for your crush to like you back but then it happened right there and then. Anything was possible.

"O-Oh wow... Umm... That-That was so sudden, I-I'm sorr-" Namjoon cut Jin off by placing his lips onto his, enjoying the feeling. Jin was shocked, thinking it was just imagination. So just in case it was, he cherished the moment he had been waiting to feel for so long. Time stopped, as if it decided to watch this moment instead of doing its job.

The feeling of their lips being pressed against each other sent electric currents running through their body and into the air. Sadly, everything has to come to an end sooner or later. After letting go, they yearned for more. Before they were about to commence a make out session, the door burst open.

"Congratulations on the new couple!" BTS screamed as they burst into the room, with Hoseok and Jimin popping confetti into the air. Namjin stared at them with disappointment as well as happiness. They were their children after all.

"Would you like to take care of them together, princess?" Namjoon suggested to Jin with a teasing look.

"Of course, Joonie~" Jin winked at him, causing him the blush and for BTS to go wild. BTS together was really a happy family.



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