Nobody knows where Ryker came from. He just tends to appear and disappear randomly. He never reveals his true identity and never stays in one place for very long, that all changed when he met the boy of his dreams. The only problem is that someone i...
A/N: the pictures down below will be what Hollis and Ashton look like. The first one will be Ashton and the second one will be Hollis. And just for all of you I'll put a picture of Chandler.
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8:30 p.m. "Chandler, are you all right? Because you're crying again?" "I'm just so excited that I get to see Mason again Grayson, that all. He meant a lot to me." "I know, and I'm happy for you. You get to see your ex-boyfriend." "Since Hollis went home I can say this freely. "I still love Mason, but Hollis is my new angel now." "Why don't you just break up with Hollis and go back to dating Mason?" "Because I don't want to break Hollis's heart. He means a lot to me, just like Mason did. And as you can tell, I'm glad that Mason survived." A ton of tears started cascading down my face, so Grayson pulled me in for a hug and I just cried into his shoulder for a couple of minutes before we pulled away and he wiped away my remaining tears. "Is there anyway that I can cheer you up?" "Cure Mason." "So John has fifty candy bars and he eats forty-five, what does he have?" "I don't know, what?" "Diabetes, John has diabetes." I just let out a few chuckles. "Thanks for trying to cheer me up with that joke, but it didn't work for that long." "I recognize that look Chandler, I know what you're going to do and I don't want you to lose you. You're my brother and I love you, plus I look up to you. Not to mention that I couldn't ask for a better brother." "Thank you Grayson. The same goes for you, I look up to you and couldn't ask for a better brother. You've helped me out through a lot of tough times and vise versa. I love you Grayson, I'll always love you. No homo." "Don't worry, I knew what you meant." "After all we're brothers, we're supposed to love each other. And we'll protect each other from any and all situations, no matter what they are." "Amen to that! I love you brother." "And I love you." Grayson and I bro hugged, then we said goodbye to each other and I made my way back to my room as Grayson closed his bedroom door. On my way back my phone started to ring. I took it out from my pocket to see who was calling me, and it was my boyfriend Hollis. I answered it Hollis: hey babe, how's it going? Chandler: good. What about you? Hollis: pretty good, could be better. My brother Ashton is in the hospital." Chandler: is he ok? Hollis: my seven year old brother has pneumonia, and no one knows how he developed it. Chandler: oh my god, I'm so sorry to hear that. And even though he hasn't met me yet, can you tell Ashton that I say hi and that I wish him a speedy recovery? Hollis: of course. But there is a slight problem. Chandler: what kind of problem? Hollis: the doctors don't think that Ashton is going to recover. I might lose my brother. Chandler: is there anything I can do to help? Hollis: you can come and visit us. You may not have heard it because I blocked my mic, but I told Ashton that you...well, you already know what I'm going to say, and Ashton told me to tell you that he says thank you and that he appreciates your concern for him. Chandler: which hospital are you and your family at? Hollis: we're at the children's hospital, obviously. Chandler: I'll ask my mom to see if it's ok if I can visit you. Hollis: I got to go, my mom wants to talk to me. Chandler: ok, I'll text you to let you know if I can come or not. Hollis: ok, and I'll do my best to update you on Ashton's condition. Chandler: thank you, I love you Hollis. Hollis: I love you too. our call ended after that and I immediately headed downstairs and entered the living room. "Hey mom, my boyfriend's brother Ashton is in the hospital and Hollis wants me to go visit him and his family at the children's hospital, and I'm wondering if I could go." "Of course, just give me a few minutes to get ready." "Ok. Thank you mom." "You're welcome Chandler."
At the hospital... Hollis's POV I ran up to Chandler the moment I saw him and gave him a tight hug. "Whoa! What's with the tight hug?" "I'm just soooooo happy to see you." "There's got to be more to it than that, because I can hear those quiet sobs of yours and I can feel those tears falling onto my back." "I'm just...really worried about Ashton." "How's he doing?" "Not so good. The doctors are saying that he has a few weeks to live." "Is there anything I can do to help?" "Well, ever since I told Ashton everything you told me to say to him, he's been waiting to meet you. And he told me that if he were to die today, he would like the two of us to be the last people he sees." "What about your parents?" "Ashton has seen enough of our parents for the past few weeks, and he has told them that I was the last person he wants to see if he dies." "We should go see him now." "You're right, follow me I'll take you to his hospital room." "Lead the way handsome."
Ashton's room... "Hey Ashton, how are you doing bro?" Ashton gave us a sideways thumbs up for his reply. "Hi Ashton, I'm Chandler, Hollis's boyfriend. And if I could take the pain away, or somehow switch places with you I would." "You would actually switch places with Ashton if you could?" "If it meant that your brother got to live, then yes I would. I'm not saying that he's..." "It's ok Chan, I know what you mean. Thank you for being so caring of my brother." "You're welcome." The heart monitor started to beeping fast and i was extremely worried that my brother was dying so I quickly left the room to get a doctor to see if they could help my brother. The doctor I asked followed me to Hollis's hospital room. When we arrived the heart monitor started beeping faster than when I left. "Please doctor..." "I'm doctor Jackson." Doctor Jackson can you please help my brother, I don't want to lose him." "I'll do what I can, but I can't promise anything. And we would like to stay in the room just in case Hollis dies, because his last wish if he died was to see me and Chandler. And I promise that we'll stay out of the way." "As long as you STAY out of the way you may stay in the room." "Thank you Doctor Jackson, you won't regret this." Hollis states.
20 minutes later... The heart monitor was beeping at regular speed, Chandler and I were relieved and thanked Doctor Jackson for saving my brother's life. For his reply he just winked at us and clicked his tongue. "Ho...llis." "Ashton, you shouldn't be talking since you have pneumonia. "I...j-j-just s-say th-thank you f-f-for t-t-the b-best b-brother I c-could e-ever a-ask f-for." "You're welcome, but I'm serious you shouldn't be talking. It could be very dangerous, it might kill you...and I don't want to lose you." I l-love you H-Hollis." I love you too Ashton."
5 weeks later... My brother made a full recovery and since I was so happy that he survived I hugged him every time I see him. *knock knock knock* "Come on in Ashton." Ashton opened my bedroom door and walked over to me and we hugged each other. The hug lasted for a few minutes before we stopped. I even started to shed some tears, and I've been shedding tears every time I've seen him. Hollis wiped away my tears, which caused me to smile brightly. "Hollis?" "Yes Ashton?" "I know that this may be a personal question, but how come you decided to date men instead of women?" "Well, when I met Chandler Riggs I felt a spark ignite inside of me. And even though I knew he was straight, and ComicCon was over I approached him and asked him out on a date, I was surprised when he said yes. He even whispered in my ear that he was gay as well. Obviously I was shocked when he told me that. On our way to Subway we walked with our arms around the back of our necks, until I lowered Chandler's arm to open the door for him. And after we got our subs we went to sit down at a table that had chairs. I placed my food on the table, and before I sat down I pulled out the chair for Chandler, when he sat down I pushed his chair in, and then took my seat. So from what I told you, I hope you know what happened next." "From what you told me, I think I do. Both of you went n more dates, and after a few dates Chandler invited you over to meet his family, and when you were inside Chandler's room both of you must've had a seriously long make out session until a knock sounded on Chandler's door." "Wow. That's absolutely right. I'm shocked that you were able to get that right." "So, how was it? I'm talking about the make out session." "Extraordinary! Chandler has really soft lips, which really turned me on. He even has a great personality, a great family, and really knows how to treat me in ways that I can't explain. Except that he plays all of my favourite songs without even knowing. We both laugh whenever we look deep in each other's eyes, we even smile at each other whenever the other smiles no matter what." "Sounds like you two are perfect for each other." "Yes it does. It's like God knew who the right person for me was. And I'd just like to thank him for bringing Chandler into my life." "I know that this has nothing to do with what we're talking about, but I couldn't ask for a better brother, because you had high hopes that I would make it when I had pneumonia, just like Chandler. So...thank you." "You're welcome. I love you Hollis." "I love you too Hollis. And please remember that I told you that I couldn't ask for a better brother than you. You're a truly an inspiration to me "I won't. And the same goes for you." Ashton and I hugged one last time, this time the hug lasted more then ten minutes. "I'll see you later Hollis." "Alright. And Ashton." "Yes?" "When you were five years old and I was seven years old you were nearly kidnaped, but I saved you, but in the process of doing so. I was shot and stabbed. The bullet almost punctured my heart and I was stabbed between the fourth and fifth rib. I was in the hospital for a few years, I even slipped into a coma, but before I slipped into the coma I died, but obviously the doctors managed to revive me. I was in the coma for two years, and even though you can't eat or feel anything in a coma, I could feel you holding my hand, I could hear you crying and I could even hear you saying that you didn't want to lose me and that you wished me a speedy recovery. Plus you never left my side because you would always sleep in my room. So, thank you for staying by my side." "You're welcome. I love you Hollis. I'll always love you." "I'll always love you too Ashton."