Chapter 3

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The picture above is my bed, but I'm using it as Ryker's bed in the story.

Ryker's POV
My name is Ryker Munroe Williamson, and even though I'm only sixteen years old I've been in prison three times now. I just got out today and I was lucky that my mom was waiting outside to drive me home. Unfortunately when I entered her car, she told me that I was grounded for three months, and the only time I was allowed outside was to walk to school. I'm not sure why I murdered all those people. It must be because my father was a murderer, or that it's probably because it's in the family blood. The only murder I regret was killing my best friend Ryan Christean Davisson. I knew him since nursery. He was my friend for fourteen years, since he was two years younger than me. All the other murders I've committed were actually very good kills and I enjoyed

"Ryker Munroe Williamson! I'm am very disappointed in you! This is your fifth time in jail! Your lucky that you weren't sentenced to death for all eighteen murders! Now go to your room, and don't come out until supper is ready! And the only other time you can come out is if you have to use the washroom. Just so you know, I locked the bathroom window so you can't sneak out again."
"Whatever, all of those people I've killed deserved it, all of them except one."
"And which murder would that be? Since you've committed enough for someone to be sentenced to death."
"The murder I regret is, Ryan Christean Davisson. My best friend since nursery."
"We'll continue this conversation at supper, now go to your room!"
I didn't even bother replying to my mother, but on my way to my room I whispered in a hushed tone so my mom wouldn't hear me, "motherfucking bitch." I even mocked all of the things she said to me in the same tone.
Once I was in my room, I plopped onto my bed, the moment I did my mom entered my room and toke my phone away from me.
"What the hell mom!?"
"Don't yell at me! I'm your mother for crying out loud! And besides you're grounded! That means no electronics whatsoever, I'm also taking your TV remote and your Xbox one."
"There's still buttons on my TV, so I can watch TV whenever...the hell...I want you stupid bitch!"
My mom walked over to me and slapped me across the face.
"You're grounded for seven months now! And you should know that you shouldn't swear at anyone, especially your own mother!"
"I know that I'm a convicted criminal, but I'm sorry for yelling at you."
"Even though you hurt my feelings, I still forgive you. And I just want you to know that I can tell that there's one hell of a caring person inside you. You just got to work hard to release him again."
Once again I spoke in a hushed tone, "yeah right. The old me is gone and is never going to return."
"Yes Ryker?"
"When you're finished taking away all of my electronics, I'd like to hear all of the stories of when I was a tenderhearted person."
"I will, but after supper."
"I love you Ryker. Even though you're a murderer.
"Uh huh."

Seven months later...
My mom finally returned all of my electronics, obviously I thanked her, but before she left I asked her a very serious question.
"Mom. I know that I've murdered a ton of people, but for some reason I can't stop. Do you think I inherited this trait from my dad? I'm only asking because he was also a murderer."
"Well, until now you've always been a generous person. You would always help anyone, especially your friends. Whenever you had sleepovers here, and your friend was feeling sad, you always found a way to cheer them up. You even made me dinner sometimes and it was absolutely delicious. Instead of being a murderer, you should be a chef and open your own restaurant when you're older."
"Hey mom, would it be ok if I went outside because it's been seven months since I've got any fresh air?"
"Only if you hand me all of your pocket knives, butterfly knives, switchblades, and any other knives you carry."
It took me a few minutes to hand all of my blades to my mom and then I left the house.
I just chose a random direction for my walk, the only problem was that all of my clothes had blood stains on them, but since I only wear white t-shirts they were more noticeable, and I always wore dark blue jeans.
The only thing that I love is that I didn't hand the blades that I kept in my shoes. Since my shoes are size six they were perfect for hiding any blade that could fit.

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