Chapter 4

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Grayson's POV
"Well, well, well, would you look at that my brother is finally back to his handsome old self."
"Ha! Gaaay!"
"Seriously? I'm just glad that you've made a full recovery after what happened. And thank you for telling our parents that it wasn't Ryker for me."
"You're welcome. I guess me and the others did go a little too far, I punched Ryker, called him an asshole, and told you that he doesn't deserve to have friends. But you're right, everyone deserves to have friends."
"I know that this sounds like a horrible idea Grayson, but maybe we should go visit Ryker."
"And how are we supposed to do that? We don't know where he lives."
"I do. He only lives ten houses away from us."
"How the hell do you know that!?"
"Because I've caught glimpses of him heading into his front yard."
"All right let's go visit him, but if he tries ANYTHING, ANYTHING at all, if he tries to hurt you or me-"
"Let me guess, we head home and call the police?"
"That's right."
"Come on, let's head over to Ryker's house."
"All right, but remember if he tries anything we head home and call the police."
"I know, I haven't forgotten."

Ryker's house...
Instead of knocking on the door I rang the doorbell, and it only took ten seconds for someone to answer the door. If I had to guess, i would say that it was Ryker's mom.
"Hi, can I help you?"
"Is Ryker home?" I ask.
"No he isn't, but he should be home soon. Would you like to come inside and wait for him?"
Grayson entered first and then I entered, closing the door behind me. Both of us took our shoes off, immediately after we removed our shoes Ryker's mom approached us and handed us a glass of orange juice.
"Thanks for the orange juice." Grayson and I say in unison.
"You're welcome."
We walked over to the couch and sat down. Grayson and I placed our glass on the living room table, and just sat back and started to relax. When I looked to my left I saw a framed picture of Ryker on the end table. I picked it up and saw Ryker kneeling down next to five other people, and he was smiling, he even had both of his arms around the two people beside him.
"Hey Grayson, take a look at this."
"Take a look at this photo."
I handed the photo to Grayson and the moment he laid eyes on it his jaw literally dropped.
Ryker's mom approached us and saw that we were looking at a photo of Ryker. She lightly took it from Grayson and started to point out who was who.
"Those two people that Ryker has his arms around, their names are Bryan and Andrew, the one on the top left was Ryker's girlfriend, the last two are Cryptic and Carter."
"Is Cryptic the one beside Ryker's girlfriend?" Grayson wonders.
"Yes. Why? Do you know him?"
"I do, he's one of my friends, but we haven't talked to each other for three years."
"This photo was taken when Ryker turned five years old."
"Was he as violent as he is now?"
"No, Ryker was a real sweetheart, he always looked after his friends, whenever he got enough money from his allowance he would buy me a bouquet of flowers. And this necklace I'm wearing right now was given to me on Mother's Day when Ryker was seven years old."
"I'm assuming that your son bought it for you?" Grayson asks.
"Yes, he did. And I have a feeling that you're going to ask how many friends Ryker had back when he was younger, and the answer to that is, everyone in all three elementary schools he attended. So that's a total of sixty-five friends, but now, he doesn't have any."
"I'm not sure about my brother just yet, but I'm willing to become friends with Ryker, even though he beat me to a pulp. But as you can see I've made a full recovery. And before Ryker was taken to jail, he apologized to me and I forgave him. He may be a violent person now, but if we can get other people to befriend him, he may return to the person he was when he was in elementary. And I'm willing to help Ryker make some friends."
"You'd actually be willing to help my son?"
"I am, but I'm not so sure if Grayson is."
"I'll have to think about it, I'm just going to warn you right now Chan, that it may take a few days, maybe a couple of weeks."
We all turned our attention to the door and saw Ryker standing there taking his shoes off.
"What are you two assholes doing here!?"
"They're here because they believe that they can help you."
"I don't need any help, I'm actually starting to like who I've become. I may have been a real sweetheart when I was younger, but now that I'm 16 years old I've been feeling a lot of intensity inside me and I could hear my blood boiling, which was probably a sign that I was ready. Ready to become a murderer like my dad. So, Chandler, Grayson GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!"
"You were right, and I should've listened. Because by the looks of it Ryker is too far gone."
Grayson and I sighed and started to stand up.
Grayson and I quickly finished our drinks and brought the glasses to the kitchen.
We then made our way to the door to put on our shoes, but Ryker was standing in our way.
Once again Ryker went after me and was about to punch me when Grayson shoved me back and took the punch for me, which knocked him down to the floor and by the looks of it he got knocked out.
I quickly crawled over to Grayson to see how much damage that punch did, besides the bruise on his right cheek I couldn't find any other signs of damage until I saw blood flow down his face.
I picked Grayson up, carried him over to the front door, put on my shoes and placed Grayson down on the ground again to put his shoes on, and to open the door.
I picked Grayson up once again and began our trip home. On our trip home I noticed that the blood was coming from his right eye, but I wasn't sure if his eye was actually cut.

Grayson's bedroom... (3 hours later...)
Grayson's POV
I started moaning and groaning from the pain I was feeling, and because I was just waking up.
"Hey, Grayson can you hear me?" Chandler wonders.
"*groans* besides this pain I'm feeling...I feel great."
"I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you."
"You better be, because it's your fault that I got knocked out and almost had my right eye cut."
"I know, but thank you for protecting me."
"You're welcome."
"Well, I'm going to get something to drink, would you like me to grab you one too?"
"If we have any, can you pour me a glass of Sunny D?"
"Of course."

A few moments later...
Chandler returned with our drinks, he placed mine in my bedside table and held onto his.
"Ryker may have been a kind and gentle soul back when he was little, but now that he's a teenager he's become an asshole and a murderer, he's lucky that he's still alive. You may want to help him, but I'm not going to."
"The only two reasons I'm helping him is because he needs to start making new friends, and because when he was apologizing to me I got to see his gentle side."
"He deserves to rot in jail!"
"If you were Ryker, wouldn't you want people to help you? I know I would."
"*sighs* I knew you were going to ask me this question. If I was Ryker, I would've stayed the same way he was back when he had sixty-five friends. I wouldn't have become the mass murderer he is now."
"The murders will stop if we can get people to help him."
"Stop talking about helping Ryker, because he's too far gone. No amount of help will bring back the old Ryker."
"I guess we'll just have to wait and see."
"Is that a challenge or a bet?"
"Why can't it be both?"
"All right, if all the help you're talking about actually brings back the old Ryker, I'll do all of your chores for two weeks, and I'll even throw in fifty dollars if you win. But if you're unable to bring back Ryker to his former self, you have to be my slave for a whole month, and you have to give me half of the money you get from your allowance."
"You're so on."
Grayson and I shook hands to make the bet official.
Chandler was about to leave my room, until I called out to him.
"Yes Grayson?"
"I have two favours to ask you. The first one is, can you get me a fresh ice pack and can you get me a refill?"

A few minutes later...
"There you go Grayson."
"Thanks Chandler. You're the best brother I could ever ask for."
"Right back at you Grayson."
Grayson and I hugged for a couple of seconds, but before Grayson applied the ice pack to his cheek, I changed the bandage that was just under his eye.
"You're welcome."
"I love you Chan."
"I love you too Grayson."

Ryker's POV
I had Vincent shackled to a brick wall and just so I could inflect more pain to him, I took off his shirt and his jeans, but I left his boxer briefs on.
"Why are you doing this? I was only doing what was best for my friends."
I was at the table that had all of my knives on it and some guns with silencers on them.
I grabbed my favourite knife, walked over to Vincent, placed the right next to his left shoulder, and was about to cut him until he spoke up.
"Ryker, please release me."
"Why should I?"
"'re my friend"

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