Secrets and Jealousy - ( Part 1 )

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Tristan's P.O.V

Oh God, Willow is the Devil's offspring. Ugh, its not like I know about it now, I definetly understood it when I saw her hands burning. But, why did it have to be her! Now, he will find her very soon. And there's nothing I can do about it. I serve him. He gave me this life. This inhuman powers. This immortalism. But, why am I so worried about her? He will take care of her. After all, he is Willow's-

'' Hey Tristan, you coming or not? '' Keith snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded and took the bag kept on my bed and left for college. While walking down the steps of my living room again my mind drifted off to Willow. What if she found out about me? That I'm not really who I look like? That I've been lying to her? But I'm sure he will take care of her. He may sound all scary and horrible but he changed after what happened to his child. I'm sure of it.

'' Whatcha thinkin' about? '' Keith asked as we started the car. I simply shaked my head. He didn't look quite satisfied with it. I know he's going to ask me again. I just hope he won't stretch it further. Cause I myself won't be able to answer any of it.

The girls in college were as usual stealing glances at me. I know that all girls drool over me. Not that I'm bragging or something but sometimes the girls always flirting with me just gets me on my nerves. Especially that Bernadette. Ugh, that girl leaves no chance to fall on me! I have tried my level best to show her that I'm not interested but she keeps on trying. I mean come on, any girl would have understood but its does not get through her thick -rotten skull!

'' Hey, Tristan! '' Name of the devil- I mean name of the slut and the slut appears. Bernadette's clanking of her heels made everyone stare at her. The worse part is that she was coming towards me. Keith walked to his class. Before leaving he mouthed a ' Best of luck ' to me. What a brother. Instead of helping me out of this he leaves and wishes me luck. So caring. Note the sarcasm.'

" Hey Tristan, I have this party happenin' at my place and you are invited! So how's friday, my place? '' She flashed her million - dollar smile which could make any guy drool over her. Now, if I tell her no she'll just either 1. Cry herself to death or 2. Beg me til my ears pop out of my body. She always chooses the latter though And well, she'll obviously try to hit on me while doing so. That's just part of her daily routine.

'' I'm sorry Bernadette but I have some work that night. '' Oh God, please don't let her push it. Please.

'' Oh Come on Tristan! Please don't be such a meanie! And FYI, I throw some of the school's best parties! Everybody has fun! And I do mean everybody. '' Her hand stretched up to my shoulder and she smirked which what all other call the ' Sexy smile '. Great, now she's starting it. Her.....sluttyness.

'' I'm sorry Bernadette. But I really am busy that day. '' Her shiny lips pouted and she walked away marching her heels with her minions......I mean her friends. Ugh, these humans are so irritating sometimes! I resumed my walk to class. While going to class Willow was coming towards me with her head dipped in her text book in deep concentration. By the time I could even realize that we were going to cra- Boom! And we both fell on the ground.

'' Oh bloody hell! I am so sorry- '' She looked at me wide eyed. And me showing her opposite expression. A calm one.

'' Hey, Its okay. I wasn't looking either.'' I don't man to sound rude but, she bought that lie so easily. I can't say that I was staring at her.

'' Oh good, so...I'll leave. ''

And she left leaving me a bit dazed still cause of the crash. What's up with her? When she was talking to me its like she was hiding something. I don't think so. But then why am I getting bothered about it? I should not care. Anyways, where was I going? Oh yeah, class. And if I don't hurry I will be in deep shit.

Rest of the hallway I was sprinting and pushed the class room door in a loud bam! Everybody stared at me. The girls dreamily and the boys normaly. And Mr. Thompson too but with a very scary death gaze. But it really didn't affect me. He kind of looked like the real Mr. Thompson from Tintin so every look he gave me was kind of......cute I guess.

'' Mr. Flame, mind explaning why are you so late? Excusing the grand entrance you made. '' His right eye twitched up and he folded hs arms around his chest. Okay, I have to admit even though it may sound weird but that was just so cute! And I don't say that for every man. Sadly I coudn't hold it anymore and a snicker left my mouth. Great, I am so getting detention now. I immediately shut my mouth. Now Mr. Thompson seemed even more angry and the look on his face said it all.

'' Well, Mr. Flame if you don't want to tell us that's fine. I can ask you later in detention and even if you don't want say it today you have the whole week. You have detention for the whole week Mr. Flame.'' Told ya.

I nodded and went to get a seat. The only seat left was the last one at the corner. Well anything to keep away from the teacher. I sat on the chair making it screech. And the weirdo giving me a hard stare. The weirdo was the teacher.

I started copying the notes but after a few minutes or maybe a few seconds I got bored. Well, by the looks of it I don't think its only me who's having the feeling. Even the others were either chatting or scribbling in their books. Then what hell am I writing for? So as the pure shameless creature I am I kept my pen and did almost everything except for writing.

The teacher didn't seem to notice as he was busy writing and looking in the text. Well, so much for this class. The bell thankfully rung at the right time from whichevrybody scattered form the class faster than I even thought they would. Even I made my way out but what I saw had literally steam coming out my ears. Or so I think.

Willow in the arms of another. And the worse part is that she seemed to be loving it.


Hey guys, I know I know! I'm the worse updater ( or whatever you call it ) you have ever faced!!! Hey but in my defense I have just started my 10th grade!!! [ that is last year of high school ] Soooooooo.......... im pretty packed everytime I try to update!!! So, maybe i'll try to update faster this time but DONT BLAME ME IF I DONT UPDATE SOONER!!!! Anyways from now i'll put a song at the side matching to the chapter and maybe a pic!!! And sorry for the short chappie!!! I pronise it'll be long and hopefully good next time!!!

Hope u like this chapter!!!

Pic of smexy Tristan [ Ian Somerhalder ] at the side!!!!

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Mishka XOXO

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