Me many, many decades ago.

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Surprise!!! Hey guys whazzup!!! I've planned to write a new story. The title of the story is supposedly '' Girlfriend Of The Year '' the story is left to do. So when i'm done with the story, i'll show you guys and pleaaase vote and comment if this thing works. Well I would even appreciate if some of you could mkae some covers. PLEEAAASE CAUSE HONESTLY I'VE NO IDEA HOW TO MAKE THEM!!!! 

And I think I'll change the role of Keith. I don't feel like it. Anyways enjoy the next chap!!!!

Aaaand I have a new character!!!! Aaaaaaand he is Taylor Lautner!!!!! * Blows horn at the side * 

Pic at the side!!!!  * Opens the curtains  and pic is revealed and he looks yummy!!!! *

Please vote and comment!!!


Willow's P.O.V

He averted his eyes from me and Bingo! He's lying.

   '' Tristan, seriously. Stop doing that when you know I'm not going to leave it. '' He looked at me warily and sighed.

  '' This may be a little nerve- wrecking for you and a little long too, but promise me you won't freak out.''

'' Tell me and I'll try. '' I replied.

'' It is. Its like a sin. The Devil is suppose to be Satan's son. And we all know that the Devil is Satan. * Face palms * The devil's child inherits all of the Devil's and Satan's powers which makes it all the more strong. The Devil's child is supposedly very rare because the Devil himself never wanted children. So that's why the Devil's fetus is a violation of nature and its rules. In short, God never wanted Devil to have a child. Well, nobody did. The child's other name is Madness.

'' Excuse me? ''  Madness. Ok, now this has gone too far. I am not mad in anyway! Except for the fact that my hands burn every now and then. Im peachy.

'' Yes, madness. The offspring is suppose to be ruthless, hunting machine with no heart. It could just kill without stopping. The mortals at that time feared it more than anything. Actually, there is a story about it. Many thousands of years ago, the Devil had this child. The child at that time was very small and was anoymous to hatred and violence. Times passed and the child grew bigger but his father still hated him. The child only wanted his father to love like how other fathers loved their children.

'' So the child asked the Devil anything he wants the child to do. The Devil took advantage of this and asked the child to spread violence. The child didn't want to it but he coudn't deny his father's only wish. So it started spreading violence like no one ever did. The Devil was proud if its abomination but slowly got jealous of it. The Gods saw the offspring and decided to cage it. But the Devil got it first and locked it in a cage. The child grew hatred towards his father for caging him and broke free. Meanwhile, the gods decided to start a war against the Devil because of the offspring. But they did not know that the offspring had escaped and was killing the mortals due to anger. When the gods saw this they killed the child and cursed it that whoever loves the child will die through a tragic event. And the offspring's soul will forever rome the lands untill it finds a human's body to control. ''

  By the time the story ended my brain was practically turning around with all this information. After finishing his story Tristan stopped for me to digest all this. His stare was intense but his eyes were showing concern in it.

   I can't believe it. I just can't. My whole life I've been thinking that the world I live in refers to a human being. A normal one that to. That I will pass high school, finish my studies, acheive my goals, marry someone If I ever fall in love, have grandchildren, watch then grow, yada, yada, yada. But this just blows my bubble from the inside out.

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