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Here's the thing, I'm almost never in a happy-go-lucky mood. And when I am. Run. Just run far away because either a) you're going to get hurt physically or b) you'll get hurt mentally at my over large smile and bared teeth. Neither is a good option if I'm being honest here. Which I am.

This is one of those happy-go-lucky moments. I blame the caramel mocha from Starbucks.

I'm flying high over New York City, not a care in the world whether I'm spotted or not since I'm already famous enough among the humans. A girl with silver hair, matching wings, and pointy ears is not hard to miss even from some hundred feet or so in the air.

With a burst of sudden and erratic speed, I barrel roll downwards falling out of control. The wind pushes my hair around and around as I spin; my heart racing in exhilaration. Before I can crash into a building that suddenly looms below me I pull up sharply and start gliding in a circle as my wings change from short and broad to long and broad with slots --- much like an eagles' or vultures' wing shape. I land easily on the building that I almost crashed into and walk over to the edge to peer down into the city below.

Cars pass by on the road as pedestrians mill aimlessly about, everyone going on with their normal lives like they just won't die any second. No one notices me as I watch them which I find comforting since I hate it when people stare.

I swear the humans have never seen an angel before.

I sit down, criss-cross applesauce style, and the noise of the city grows quiet as my surroundings dim because I start to think long and hard.

Meeting one of the Avengers yesterday set my instincts on edge. Yeah, Clint was nice to me and all, but the prospect of meeting the rest of that elite team just has a voice in the back of my head screaming, "danger!" I don't know why I'm so anxious to not meet them, but I know I shouldn't take my instincts lightly. Last time that happened, my adoptive family along with me was killed.

No, I'm pretty sure they won't kill me, I'm on their side. To the humans I'm known as the superhero named Sharpshot. Apparently I'm a lot better wielding a bow than a sword to them. Smh. That's Clint's job. I'd rather hug a cactus than admit that a bow is a better weapon than a sword.

I'm pulled from my bipolar thoughts when I hear a short cough behind me. Instantly I reach for my sword and pull the arrow holster from my back simultaneously. I leap into action and stand at the ready as my holster changes into my body length shield. I narrow my eyes at the person and recognize the glint of gold and red armor. Iron Man.

"What do you want?" I smile at the end of my question which seems to throw him off as he stays silent for a long few seconds. He's probably thinking I'm mental, which is good because even I admit I am a bit crazy. And I also want to show off my good mood to someone.

"Nick Fury would like to speak to you," he finally speaks after the long silence between us.

Nick Fury . . . why does that name ring a bell and a warning signal?

"Who is this Nick Fury you speak of? And, I need you to tell Clint something for me," I add on the last part with an even wider smile, flashing my signature luminescent, white teeth.

"You'll find out if you follow me."

"And what makes you think I'll follow you?"

"You won't, so I'll just have to take you myself." He steps forward and I quickly sheath my sword and my shield changes back to my arrow holster at my back. In the blink of an eye, I'm winking at him and jumping off the edge of the building, my wings once again changing shape into short and narrow for more speed.

"Catch me if you can!"

I hear Iron Man fly after me and I pick up the pace, zooming around the city at top speed. Iron Man is fast, but I doubt he can keep up with even a half angel.


I dodge out of the way as an explosion sounds above my head, nearly knocking me aside. How rude. I grab my sword and it transforms to my white bow in my hand, grabbing an arrow and notching it. I look to my left as I fly by a nearly all glass building and see Iron Man a bit behind and above me, readying to fire at me again. Right before he sets off another explosion, I turn upside down and with a wicked grin, fire the arrow at him and watch it stick to his palm and encase the whole gauntlet in ice.

Cackling, I turn a sharp corner above an alleyway, notching another arrow just in case. Suddenly, I turn upside down again and fire another arrow at the superhero jumping down at me, but he or she dodges it just in time, something shooting out of his or wrist and leaping away onto an emergency staircase. I land above the superhero on the roof of the building across from he or she, eyes trained and bow ready to fire with a grin still plastered on my face.

Red and blue with a spider on the front of the leotard. Spider-Man.

"Hey Spider-Boy. Long time never seen."

"Spider-Boy? Really? Should I call you Horribleshot than since you missed?" He waves my arrow tauntingly in the air and I roll my eyes, drawing my bow further.

"Would you like to see how much of a horrible shot I am when you freeze?"

"Somebody is in a bad mood."

"You haven't seen anything yet," I say with a wink, firing. Spider-Man just barely dodges it and I turn and run once again, taking to the air. Now my wings are made for soaring again. I watch the city below and notice Spider-Man is just looking at me from the rooftop below, Iron Man nowhere in sight.



Iron Man slams into me and I look to see his face uncovered with a triumphant grin. "Let me go!"

"I wouldn't have had to do this if you would have cooperated."

"You want to see cooperation?" I say with a growl, good mood gone. I grab his unfrozen gauntlet and freeze that one over, causing him to loose balance in his flight and start plummeting to the ground. I manage to make it out of his embrace and zoom away, not caring whether he makes it to the ground unharmed.

There is no way in hell that I'm meeting Fury.

"C'mon Sharpshot!" Spider-Man shouts from behind me. I look back to see him swinging on his webs behind me, nearly not fast enough to keep up with me. I snort and fly faster, going at least a hundred miles per an hour or more.

There is no way Spider-Man can keep up with me now.

I turn around a building and I swear time slows. A helicopter with a eagle-like stamp printed near the open door is hovering above the city, right into my flight path.

I'm so screwed.

This fanfic is mostly collabed with my amazing irl friend Jass, otherwise known as Johnnysfangirl. Her character, Karissa, is a character you will see show up in this story since this takes place a couple years after Jass's stories. Btw, Tara is not pronounced Tera. It's pronounced like Katara, without the Ka. And any Chapter with the name " Chapter  -" have not been edited to fix plot holes or recent changes to the book.

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