There's a First Time for Everything

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Two songs you should listen to while reading this chappie:

It's Time - Imagine Dragons

Till Kingdom Come - Coldplay

The latter fits second Tara's POV perfectly!

Chapter 9

I'm in deep shit. I'm in very deep shit. Of course, it's my mouth that has gotten me in trouble too.

Sighing, I sit down on the roof of Avengers Tower. Warren is still a Siberian tiger and he's curls up by my side and places his head on my lap, keeping me warm since it's dark and chilly. Since I start petting his head gently, he begins to purr and his tail tip starts flicking back and forth in content.

"Here I go sticking my boots in my mouth again, Warren."

You were doing fine until she provoked you.

"But that doesn't mean I should have listened to her and retorted."

You were scared. Everyone was scared. We're all still scared of what happened.

"Just because I was scared doesn't make my words or actions called for."

Tara, look at me. I look away from New York City's skyline and into his golden eyes that look as if they're burning. You're still scared. Not only for yourself, but everyone, including your cousin. Fear makes us do things we otherwise wouldn't dare try or say in a normal situation.

Giving up on arguing with him, I sigh again. When I start to draw my knees up towards me, Warren moves his head so I can wrap my arms around them. Quietly I move my wings around me and they immediately cocoon me in warmth.

I am hungry, so, I shall go inside and eat. Take care, Tara.

I hear him pad away. Before I hear a door open I whisper, "thank you, Warren." He does not acknowledge the thanks even as someone opens the door and lets him in, but I don't mind.

When I feel the memory of Karissa and I's argument after I woke from unconsciousness flooding back, I let it. Since I focus on the memory, everything around me fades away.

"Tara!" Spider-Man said as he saw me awaken. Not only was he hovering over me, but so was Thor and Clint. I thought Clint was on a mission with Natasha (I had eavesdropped on Tony's phone conversation with the redhead the night before the fight as I was laying awake) in Chicago, but he was apparently back already. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, you were bleeding bad, but it seems to have stopped now," Clint observed.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." I stood slowly, but when my knees started to buckle Thor caught me and let me lean on him, his expression concerned for me. "I'm fine."

"You do not look fine. You are pale and shaking."

As Clint was speaking, I had felt a familiar sensation of cold and emptiness wash over me, changing my expression completely to neutral and cold. Moving away from Thor with a new bout of strength, my eyes locked on Karissa's gaze which was pointed my way. She had an accusing look in her eyes.

"What the hell did you do?"


She stood, walking confidently towards me. Loki and Tony who had been by her side stayed put. Her armor was still on and her battleaxe was gripped so tightly in her hand her knuckles were white. "What just happened, wasn't nothing. You stopped time!"

"Yes, I did. It is one of my powers."

"It's unnatural!"

I raised an eyebrow. I knew this, but it did not stop me from using it whenever it called for it. "Yet, my brother possessing you was natural? Your own powers are natural?"

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