Common Goals

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"Hey why don't we try and salvage for the parts! People drop things into the Cloud Sea all the time. Maybe we can salvage the parts and get 'em for free. I have a few cylinders from Argentum" said Rex

"Uh.. what about me?" Prompto asked, confused as to why his last name suddenly came up.

"Huh? I didn't mention you." said Rex with confusion about why Prompto was asking about himself.

"Argentum? That's, um, my last name?"

"Huh. The only Argentum I know is the guild. Anyway that's besides the point. I'm gonna try salvaging for some parts. Can you guys see if you can find them at some shops?"

"Yeah, sure." Noctis crosses his arms. "I'm guessing this er-" He paused trying to remember the name. "Tora was it? You're gonna be the tour guide around here?"

"Ah, Tora know many things in shops. Come, friends, Tora show you!" replied Tora

Tora then led everyone out of the house toward the shopping district. Rex tried to salvage for some parts. Pyra went with him. After a few hours they found a merchant that was willing to sell them some Bion Connectors for 4,000 gold apiece.

"Meh.... Tora no have the gold for this..." said Tora, disappointedly.

"I don't think your world takes my kind of currency.." Noctis said, digging in his pocket to take out a couple of Gil. "Ever see anything like this?" He asked, showing it to Tora.

"No.... Tora no see this before..."

Just then, Rex came back with 3 Bion Connectors in his hand.

"Hey! I found some!" said Rex

"Convenient." Prompto commented, looking at the Bion Connectors. "Hey, what kind of technology do you have around here anyway?" The blond asked, genuinely interested.

"What do you mean?" asked Pyra

"Like," Prompto paused for a second. "You guys have smartphones?" He pulled his own smartphone out, the screen illuminated with the time and a chocobo lock screen.

"Woah, what is that? And why do you have a yellow Turkin on that thing?" replied Rex, clearly enthusiastic about this newfound technology

"Wait, wait, wait, you've never heard of a chocobo before?!" Prompto asked, putting a hand to his chest in mock offense. "They're only the best animals ever! Not only are they cute but they're super friendly and you can ride 'em!" He explained.

Noctis cleared his throat, "Short and sweet version, they're just big friendly birds you can ride." He answered. "Also a phone's something you can use to call people, send messages, play games." He loses off some of the features.

"You seriously don't have these? Noct, you warped us to a whole different time period!" Prompto groaned in frustration.

"No we don't. We don't have chocobos or smartphones.... Sorry 'bout that." replied Rex albeit a little sheepishly.

"Nothing to be sorry about." Noctis said. "So now you have your materials, what are you going to do with it?" He pointed to the Bion Connectors in Rex's hands.

"We not done yet. We still need Perfect Range Sensor" replied Tora.

"Uh-huh. Let's go get it then." Noctis places his hands behind his head in a casual position.

"Not so easy. They even rarer than Bion Connectors. Tora asked around before."

"Hey, I heard you're looking for a Perfect Range Sensor." said a tall, yet random stranger

"Yeah we are" replied Rex with a hint of suspicion.

"Well I happen to have one in storage. I'll give it to ya if you do me a favor."

"What do you need?"

"There's a monster that's been blocking off a route, where I buy my goods. Think ya can get rid of it?"

"I don't see why not."

"Time to show off my skills." Prompto said when the deal to get rid of the monster had been made.

"Hold on, how do you expect to fight without Blades?" asked Rex

"Like this..?" Noctis held out his hand in front of him, his sword materializing. Prompto did the same beside him, a gun instead of a sword in his hand.

"Well alright then. Let's head out."

The group then headed out, making their way to the area where the monster was located. It didn't look too tough, and it seemed relatively small.

"Alright this'll be a piece of cake." said Rex as he took out his sword.

"Yeah, this'll be easy." Noctis nodded, summoning his sword.

"Mhm, easy-peasy lemon-squeezy!" Prompto chimed in, absentmindedly twirling his gun in his hand as Noctis threw his sword at the monster when its back was turned, quickly landing a warp-strike.

"Woah! That's pretty cool!" replied Rex, shocked of what Noctis did.

"It's no big deal." Noctis replied, stepping back from the monster as Prompto unleashed a round of bullets on it.

Rex then unsheathed his sword and went toward the enemy. Pyra did a specific pose and a  light blue light went from her chest toward Rex as he continued to attack the enemy. Tora went to a nearby tree, and simply provided moral support. Without a Blade, he couldn't fight.

"Sword Bash!" yelled Rex as he readied his sword, then struck the enemy with it.

Noctis followed after Rex's attack, slashing at the creature.

The monster then disintegrated and turned into white particles that flew up into the sky.

"Woo-hoo! Good job guys!" Prompto cheered as his weapon disappeared.

"Not bad.." Noctis said to Rex.

"You guys were pretty good." replied Rex.

The gang then decided to return to Torigoth and speak to the man who had promised them the Perfect Range Sensor.

A/N: Thank you for the comments!! They help us going so be sure to leave your thoughts!! We really appreciate it!!!
also Team why didn't you upload this sooner you had one job c'mon dude

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