Lesson - Part Three

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Third lesson- How to be quiet.

"What?" I groaned into the phone, once I had finally managed to take it from my night stand, rolling over my tummy to try and block the light of the sun, that was filtring through the drapes. Why couldn't I sleep? I was a good person, I deserved to be able to sleep.

"Hello sunshine!" Harry's thick accent chirped on the other line, way too happy to be only... 11 a.m on a Saturday.

"Harry, someone better had died, or I'm killing you." I pulled the covers up to my shoulders, while my phone was resting between my ear and the pillow, my right arm tucked under the pillow.

"No one died. Buuut, Niall was born 21 years ago."

I honestly didn't care.

"Hmmmm." I hummed, almost falling asleep again. College had been a bitch during the week, lots of things to do and read and study. The earliest I had been able to go to bed was around 3 am, and I wanted to sleep through the whole weekend, probably until 8 pm on Sunday.

"Did you fall asleep?" He whined, letting something fall to the floor and then screaming and cursing into the phone, waking me up

"Not anymore!" I groaned, taking the covers off my body and sitting up.

"Get up!!" He whined a little more, and I could imagine his pouting lips and his eyes closed, while he threw his head back.

"I'm up!! What do you want??" I whined in return, getting up from my bed to go close my curtains.

"Niall's throwing his party in my apartment and you're coming with me to organize it."

"Dude, buy some bags of chips and lots of beer and you're done. I'm going back to sleep." I fell over my bed, crawling until my head hit the pillow again and I could nestle in my covers.

"No, come on, come with me and then you can sleep in my bed until the party."

A wave of electricity ran through my body at the mention of his bed, as flashes of Harry's big hand wrapped around his cock came to mind, my eyes were glued to his body the whole time, aching to take him in my mouth. I bite my lip and rub my legs together a little, coming to terms with the fact that I wasn't going back to sleep, not after that.

"Okay, but this better counts as your Christmas's present, Styles, cause I'm really really tired."

"Oh, I was thinking of something a lot more fun for Christmas." He said in a suggestive voice, the smirk he had to be sporting on his face, clear in his voice.


"Are you sure I'm the pervert one? Cause I wasn't the one that turned my simple comment into something sexual, babe."

Each time the word babe came out of his mouth, it did new things to me, making me feel flush and hot, and above all, horny. I just wanted him to pin me to a wall and do stuff I couldn't even imagine to me.

"Shut up, Styles. What time are you picking me up?"

"In about half an hour."

"Why? Are we throwing a kiddies party to Niall?"

"Nope, I just want you to come with me somewhere else first. I'll see you in a while, babe."

Babe, babe, stupid babe.

When Harry finally arrived to my home, I was back to sleeping. He had taken more than half an hour, so after I had showered and changed, I turned into a little cocoon, rolling into my cover until I was trapped in them.

I was so tired that I started dreaming almost instantly, feeling Harry's hand run up my body and going under my shirt while the other one sneaked under my pants, rubbing my clit in a quick manner until I threw my head over his shoulder, letting his lips suck marks on it, rolling my hips against his and feeling how his bulge grew bigger and harder.

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