Lesson- Part Fifteen

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Fifteenth Lesson: How to obey.

Harry'sfingers brushed over the skin of my ribcages and I almost purred at the feeling. He had pushed my shirt up until he could see the ink on my skin. He frowned a little, like every time he saw the tattoo that now marked the spot, tracing it slowly, following the pattern of the cursive letters.

I was still so proud of it, so happy I had gotten it. Not even when I had thought everything was over for us had I regretted my tattoo. It was the little piece of him I took away with me.

"It's almost your birthday." I whispered, rolling onto my other side to look at him, kissing the tip of his nose when I brushed my fingers over his jaw. We weren't doing anything, we were just lying on bed, being lazy and sharing kisses. I was just so tired, even sex was not appealing right now. Maybe later, though.

"Thanks for remembering." He said and laughed when I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing." He said, narrowing his eyes in thought. "I don't need anything."

"Oh, come on, I want to give you something!! We haven't spent your birthday together in ages!!"

"Okay!" He groaned at my insistence, smirking at me when he squeezed my hip. "Hmhmm...I want you, wearing a bow and nothing but a bow."

"Where on earth am I supposed to get a gigantic bow?"

"I didn't say it had to be gigantic, just that you had to wear it.

"You're so dumb." I laughed, accepting the kiss he offered me, sighing when he pulled away from me.

His fingers trailed down my hair, cupping my face to press a kiss to my forehead, before looking at me intensely without saying a word.

"I've missed you." He said seriously.

"I'm right here."

"Yeah, but I don't know. Things are different, we've barely been together this past two weeks."

"We've been busy with school." I shrugged off, but he chuckled dryly, shaking his head and rolling until he lied on his back.

"That was never a problem before."

"Well, maybe we're maturing."

"Or maybe you haven't forgotten about Sam."

"Harry." I warned him. "Stop it. I told you I forgave you."

"But you haven't forgotten, Babe." Harry sat up, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.

"I don't think I will, Harry."

"Same shit."

"I'm sorry, alright?" I chuckled. "The thought of you with other girl bothers the fuck out me."

"You know what?" He asked me in a loud tone before propping himself up on his hands. "We're not fighting over this again." His hand ran through his hair, getting up from the bed and I gulped, sitting up to look at him, well at his back, cause he was looking at the wall.



"Do you, do you think we're drifting apart?"

"Do you?" He asked me when he turned and looked at me.

"I don't know." I frowned at my own realization. Something was squeezing my heart, something was making it so small, it actually hurt.

Harry opened his mouth, only managing to inhale loudly before sighing almost immediately.

"Do you want us to break up?" He asked me in almost a whisper.

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