Lesson- Part Twelve

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Twelfth Lesson- How to eat dessert.

Oh, God. Oh, Fuck.

I weaved a hand through my hair. A big sigh left my mouth and I let my head fall back against the wall. Biting my tongue, I squinted my eyes at Harry, who was laughing nervously in front of me, with his head thrown back and his eyes closed. If I weren't so mad at him, I might have appreciated how adorable his laugh actually was.

His hair was messy and his shirt was sweaty and scrunched up, no doubt the work of my fingers gripping at it when he was fucking me.

"Fuck." He muttered and I glared at him, crossing my arms over my chest to more effect and dramatics.

"This is your fault!" I whispered angrily, pointing at the door, almost jumping when Gemma knocked once more. Exhaling a big breath, Harry opened the door, looking at his sister with a serious face.

Oh, she was pissed. Her whole body language seemed to be throwing darts at both of us and I did my best to not recoil behind Harry's broad shoulders. She usually intimidated me but right now, with her arms crossed over her chest and her jaw clenched tightly, she terrified me.

"Seriously?" She said looking at both of us.

Harry moved slightly to my side, until he was blocking her from staring at me. His hand gripped the doorframe and I looked at him, seeing how tense he was.

"It was my idea. Leave her out of this."

"It's kind of hard, since she's in there with you."

"Gems. I'm sorry, okay? We won't do it again, I promise."

Squinting his eyes at him, she turned around, walking to the dining room where our parents were still having a loud talk.

"I cannot believe we got out this easily." I muttered, tapping my foot against the floor in a nervous tic. Gnawing on my bottom lip, I looked at Harry accusingly.

"Oh, this is not nearly over. She's gonna hold it against me for the rest of my life." He sighed, looking at me with a sheepish smile and tearing himself off the door. In two large steps, he was standing in front me. His hand cupped my face and, knowing his intentions, I turned my head slightly, making him land his kiss on my cheek instead of my lips. "I love you, babe."

I stared at him, a little dumbfounded and taken aback. I had never heard him say it so certainly, so sure of himself. It was so different from the first time we had both said it, this time there was no "I think" blurting out of his lips, just the 3 words that definitely should not be pronounced for the first time inside of a bathroom, right after we had been caught having sex.

Pushing him off of me, I walked out of the bathroom, walking to the living room to join the 2 couples that were still unaware of everything that had happened. Thank God.

Soon, Harry joined the party, sitting by my side and putting one hand on my leg. Gemma was sitting right in front of me and she looked at us with narrowed eyes, almost distrustful. Or maybe she didn't, maybe I was just lightheaded and paranoid, the blood rushing down of my brain until it was empty and I couldn't form a coherent thought. Maybe she was indeed willing to let it go.

Doing my best to ignore Harry's fingers squeezing my thigh, I fought against the urgency to close my eyes, rest my head on Harry's lap and go to sleep. I was so sleepy and tired and sore. I usually was after Harry was done with me.

"Honey? Honey?"

I couldn't honestly tell how many times my mom had called me, Harry's hand bringing me back to reality with a rough squeeze.

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