Lesson- Part Ten

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Tenth Lesson- How to let go.

"It was awful!!!"

"It was not awful."

"Yes, it was." I said dramatically, pressing my forehead to his shoulder and whining a little. His body had me pinned to the bed, his arms under my body hugging me while he had his chin pressed to my chest. With dainty fingers, I tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear and brought one of my knees up so I could press my feet to the bed. "like actually mouth opened and unable to move and then, when I could finally react, I just started blabbering. Blabbering!!!"

Groaning, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, feeling the rumbles of his chuckles on his chest. It had been honestly the most embarrassing experience of my life. I had made a fool of myself in front of one of the most respected and demanding professors on campus. My last exam had gone awfully wrong and I just couldn't get over it.

"Stop being so dramatic, babe. If it went so awful, how did you pass?"

"I don't know!!! Maybe I sucked him off and I can't remember."

His eyebrows knitted immediately, a serious expression appearing on his face.

"I don't like those jokes, babe." He pouted and I giggled at how adorable he actually looked.

"How do you know it's a joke? He's kind of hot." smirking, I wriggled my eyebrows at him, his face turning even more serious. With a leg hooked around his waist, I pulled him closer to me, my lips meeting his in a slow kiss.

It was all lovely and slow until his hand came up, trailing slowly down my body until he was playing with the waistband of my jeans.

"What are you doing?" I giggled when he let a single finger run between my skin and the fabric.

"I'm just having fun." He shrugged, a mischievous half smile making me shiver.

I couldn't tear my eyes from him when he moved down, kissing softly on my neck, his fingers pushing the fabric of my sweatshirt up, until my stomach was showing and he could left small kisses all over it.

My fingers kept playing with his hair, sighing in content when he kissed my hipbones. His fingers hooked around the waistband of my jeans and pushed them down slowly. Soon, I was feeling the cold air hit my skin. He just kept his pace, leaving kisses on the skin of my inner thighs, up and down, left and right. He would get so close, I'd think he was finally doing something, but once he was mere inches away, he would pull away, kissing my stomach or legs again. If he did get close, he would only brush his lips over my clit or kiss it lightly, not paying any further attention.

Propping myself up on my elbows, I looked at him with a smile on my face. His long hair was brushing my skin with each new kiss and his eyes were closed. His lips looked so pink against my skin.

I felt tingles run down my skin the closer he got to my center, his kisses turning even softer, almost a brush over my skin.

"Harry!!" I whined, getting too impatient to feel him anywhere.

"You need to learn how to be patient, babe."

Instead of rolling my eyes, which was my intention, I stayed quiet, biting my lip and watching him continue to kiss every inch of my skin. I am not going to lie, even that simple touch was capable of making me wet.

I gasped a little too loudly when he took his hands to my boobs, squeezing them tightly before pulling the cups aside. His lips were now kissing down my hover stomach. A small moan left my lips when he played with my nipples, rolling them between his fingers.

I was almost happy with his hands on my boobs, almost resigning he wasn't going to do anything else, when his tongue started licking my lips, kissing them gently. Still, he wasn't playing any attention to my clit, as I wanted him too, and I felt myself get needier by the second.

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