Lesson- Part Six

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Sixth lesson- How to enjoy it.

That was the third time I had knocked and still I got no answer. I had been standing outside Harry's door for the last 7 minutes and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to give him back the clothes I've been burrowing from him, and now that I had made my way back home and that all of my clothes had been nicely washed by my mom (including his, which could only be done by me sneaking in once she was out of the laundry room and throwing the sweatpants and tees inside the machine), it was the perfect time to do so.

I was tired after a day of listening to my mom talk non stop about how I wasn't eating right and how the bags under my eyes should have their own brand, and I wanted desperately to go to sleep. I wondered if Harry would let me sleep in his bed, as my mattress was sucky and I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep on it anymore.

I bit my lip, extending my hand and turning the doorknob. It was open. I had spent 7 minutes of my life standing outside a door and the whole time it was actually open. Go figure.

"Harry!!" I shouted once I was inside the apartment. "You left your front door open." The apartment was silent and dark, but there was a faint light coming from Harry's room. Low noises, very grunt-like, could be heard as well and curiosity almost killed me. I made my way to the room, standing right next to the wall and letting the sight of Harry, completely naked and sweaty filled each and every one of my senses.

He had his earphones on, and his eyes were fixed on his laptop in front of him. His hand was stroking his cock at a steady pace and he let a strangled moan out when his thumb ran across his swollen tip, sliding up and down his cock faster than before.

I couldn't take my eyes off him, and I didn't even have the decency to announce myself. I only stood there, watching him getting off to the porn that was playing on his laptop.

I finally found the strength to tear myself off the wall, walking slowly to him, my eyes still drinking in the pleasure in his face. He was about to come, I could tell by his heavy breathing and the small trembles of his stomach.

Biting my lip, I closed the laptop and sat on the bed, his dark eyes suddenly mine as if he were getting out of a daze.

"Fuck." He said and covered himself with the pillow next to him.

"Hey, that's the pillow I use!" I said, and immediately realized how stupid my comment was.

"Have you been here long?" He sat up and leaned enough so our faces were close enough.

"Yes." I admitted and let him kiss me, his fingers were brushing my cheeks and neck and my hand went to his thigh, very close to his still hard cock. "Seriously, take the pillow off." I laughed and he broke the kiss, taking the pillow and throwing it to the floor. It lasted less than 30 seconds, but it gave me the chance to ogle at him in all his glorious nakedness. God, he was perfect.

I put my hands around his face, forcing him to see me and crashing my lips to his. Maybe it was the fact he was completely naked, or that I had heard his little moans, but I was desperate to have his body pressed to mine and for his hands to roam my body. So, it wasn't hard for me to let him push me to the bed and to spread my legs so he could lie between them. Before I knew it, he had pushed my skirt up, bunching it on my waist and rolling his hips against me while his lips and tongue completely dominated mine.

I scratched his back, digging my nails on it when he tugged on my bottom lip, pulling it between his teeth. God, I could feel him, so hard and big and driving himself completely crazy with the smalls rolls of his hips.

My hands were exploring his body hungrily, making sure I had traced every inch of his skin. By the time I took him in my hands, I was a moaning mess, completely lost in the moment. I kissed him some more, before letting him go so he could brush his lips on my neck, nibbling and sucking lightly on the skin there, not enough to leave a mark, but still enough to make me moan lightly, while his long hair tickled me.

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