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We were in five stores and I still haven't picked the right dress.

"This is the last store here that sells dress, if we haven't found the dress you like then we can look for it tomorrow." Yuju said. I nodded.

We enter the store then something caught my eye. I quickly tried it on. A red sleeveless turtle neck gown that flowed freely to my feet.

"Wow that looks good on you. Is that what you want?" Yuju asked. I smiled and nodded my head.

I found a shoe that matches my dress, red doll shoes. We took it all to the counter and went home.


Dad and my brother helped us plan the party. The plan is we will reveal the birthday girl at the end of the party but first we have to dance.

I bit my nails while they talk about the party. I'm not really use to parties like this. I know I'm overreacting even though it's a mask party.

"Someone looks nervous." Yerin Unnie said looking at me mischievously.

"I'm not......... I'm just confused." I lied.

"Confused or N. E. R. V. O. U. S?" she really spelled it out.

"Okay, you got me. I'm freaking nervous. You know how I hate parties." I said folding my arms while slouching in my seat.

"We know this is a big deal for you but I promise you this will be the best party of your life." Yerin Unnie reassured me.

"We'll see.........." I frowned.

"Is it Fine if we reveal you with the person you dance with?" SinB asked. My eyes widened.

"Why?" I said jumping in my seat.

"Just to be fun." She answered.

"Can I be exempted in the dance?" I asked.

"No, they will notice it right away. Please!!!!!" she pleaded. After ten seconds I sighed and gave in.

"Okay fine, I'll let you make it happen." I said.

"Yehey......... then after revealing the two of you we'll arrange a special dance with him without a mask." SinB said excitingly.

"What... you keep on surprising me." I said. They just giggled and smiled.


I was in my dress while Sowon Unnie was doing my hair.

After that we went straight to the party. I was wearing a red mask. My whole body froze seeing so many people here.

"Why did you invited so many people?" I asked UmJi.

"I'm sorry but you know that I'm a social little girl." She said innocently. I wanted to squeeze her little innocent face.

I sat down in the chair waiting for someone to ask to dance him. I was planning to refuse everyone but I don't want to be harsh. I was looking around, they seem so happy while I was drowning in a pool full of regret. I really didn't want a party.

I was busy regretting that I startled when a tall man stand in front of me and asked me to dance with him. He just laughed at my reaction.

"I'm sorry to startle you but would you like to dance with me?" he smiled.

"Sure?" I said confusingly, I wanted to refuse but I know I shouldn't.

"You're not sure?" he said. He laughed softly. "You're cute, come on let's dance. I promise I won't step on your feet." He said pulling me to the dance floor.


When I arrived in the school gym I already saw lot of students dancing in their mask. I look around then I saw a girl in a beautiful red dress. I walk towards her but she didn't seem to notice me. When I asked her to dance with me she startled. I laugh because of her reaction. She seems cute.

"I'm sorry to startle you but would you like to dance with me?" I smiled while I asked her again.

"Sure?" she said confusingly, it seems she wanted to refuse.

"You're not sure?" he said. I laughed softly. "You're cute, come on let's dance. I promise I won't step on your feet." I said pulling her to the dance floor.

She dances beautifully; she has a very beautiful smile and laugh. She seems to remind of someone I know.

After a while we stopped dancing to eat. We told each other joke.

"May I asked the birthday girl and her dancing partner to come up here in the stage?" a girl in an orange dress said. She was wearing a mask too. I notice the girl I asked earlier took a long sigh and pulled me to the stage. That's when I figured out she was the birthday girl.

I was standing in front a lot of students wearing mask.

"Could you two please stand looking at each other while removing your mask in the count of three." The MC said. We both nodded. Actually I was curious so maybe this a good idea. She had a big smile.

"Okay, to three. One, two, three." She yelled. We both removed our mask. Her smiled faded. I was shocked, it was Eunha.

Everybody sang her the birthday song. She smiled but not the same way she did before.

"We arrange a special dance between Eunha and her secret dance partner but now it's not a secret anymore so may I asked the two of you to dance here, just the two of you." The MC said. I notice Eunha rolled her eyes at me.

We stood in front of the crowd and started dancing. Many students cheered.

"Eunha, are you mad at me?" I said choking.

"Who wouldn't be mad at you?" she said so coldly.

"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to do that." I said softly as I could.

"I'm sorry to say this to you but could you a little be nicer to your sister. Cause if your are just being nice to me because of her then stop, you're not only hurting me but also your sister." She not looking at me.

"How did you know about that?" I asked shocking.

"I heard you talking to Joy in the library. If you were just faking that you didn't like her then you shouldn't have done that too." she said squeezing my soul out, literally squeezing me till my soul came out. Then she let go after the song then went outside, she never came back.

After the party I heard she went home early. I really regretted the things I did to her.


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