part 4.5

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(So.... You end up kissing tom again and you also took his newly bought vodka)
....................... .................. humming two birds on a wire whilst gulping on vodka, you pass Eduardo's house as always he's standing outside waiting for edd or any one in house beside him to cause any trouble with the gang)

Eduardo: Hey!you!
You:(drunk) you *HIC* talking to me!
Eduardo: YES I'm talking to you! When you decide to walk your drunk ass home after walk tell edd I said He IS A NOBODY!!

You:(you freeze up)
You:(drunk) what did y-*HIC* you say about edd!
Eduardo: I SAID HE IS A NOBODY!! And as for tom.... Well he is a drunken idiot who can drink him self to death!

(The words "drucken idiot" repeat inside your head)

You:(still drunk you Finnish the bottle)
(You smash the bottle on the white pickit fence, tom notices the smash and sees you pinning Eduardo to his door he grabs Tord and they both run toward you)

Eduardo: no! ( he says with a grin)

Tom: Y/N!!!! No don't do it!!

Tord: wait!! No!

(Eduardo keeps on grinng as you have the sharp shards of the bottle almost pierce his neck tears rolling down your face in anger)

(Tom pulls you off Eduardo and throws you up on his your shoulder)

You:(drunk in anger) LET ME GO!!!(smacking his back with you fists)
Tom: you need to calm down!
You: NO! Not until he will take back what he said!

(Tom takes you back to the house)
Tord:(approaches Eduardo) hello..first things don't you dare talk about edd like that and second of all( he gives off a death stare) don't you dare talk to my baby like that is that clear!
Eduardo: y-yes (with a worried look)

Tord: bye bye now!(he walks back the house with a smile on his face)

(Tord enters the house to find that you are with tom on the sofa)
Tord: tom, is he okay.
Tom: yeah he has calmed down so far.

You: Tord?(you look at him)
Tord: yes? ( looking concerned)
You: come here.( becoming teary)
Tord: ( walks to couch)

(You hug him in thankfulness)
( Tord freezes up in surprise) you for every thing
Tord: i-its okay...

(You let go and start to sleep)
Tom: I wonder what Eduardo said to y/n to piss him off?

Tord: I don't know but it hurt him emotionally any way I told Eduardo that if he hurts him in any way he gonna get!

(You start to talk in your sleep, tom and Tord listen to the mumbles)

You: s-tupid Eduardo... E-dd is not a n-o b-bodie h-he is great friend,
Tom: aww at least he cares for people.
(You continue to mumble)
You: a-as for t-tom he is.... A-mazing and i- want h-him in bed w-with me!

Tom and Tord : gah!!
(Tord whispers into to your ear)
You: tooooooorrrrrrddddddiiiiiieeeeeworrrrrrrdddddddddieeeeeeee

Tord: hehehe
Tom: oh grow up!
You:( still mumbling) d-dont worrie t-tordie you can have your turn later...

Tord: ugh!!!( surprise to your answer)
Tom: there is no surprise is there!

Tord: I guess he said something
about Edd and you that must of set him going.

(An hour later)
(You wake form you drunk nap)
Tom: you ok?
(You look at tom)
You: ow! My head hurts!
Tom: well that's what happens when you drink a whole bottle of vodka.

(You get up and sit on toms lap and cross your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck)

Tom: what are you doing(says it with a cheeky grin)
You: up!
Tom: up where?
You:(pointing the stairs) up! ( Acting like a child)
Tom:(giving up) fine,here we go!

(Lifting you and him self quite fast)
You: yeep! (Giggling) not so fast!
Tom: come on then baby let's go

You:(holding tightly)
(He carries you up the stairs)
Tom: alright where to next!(put his nose on yours)
You: this way(pointing to his room)

Tom: ok! If that's what you want.
(He takes you to his room)
(Puts you on his bed)

You: kitty!
Tom:?? (Looking a round to see no cat)
Tom: there is no cat??
You: Kitty (pointing to tom)

Tom: oh I see?! (He purs)
You:( you get close to toms face and licks his nose with the tip of your tounge)

Tom: oh.. I like that baby(licks you back with the tip of his tounge)

(You rub his head against his and he dose the same to you)

Tom: so what did Eduardo say about me?
You: ... He said that you were a drunk idiot that should drink him self to death...

Tom: hey. Its ok as long as I got you I won't drink my self to death you hear?!

You: yes kitty(snuggling into toms chest)
Tom: (looks at you then smiles gently)

(You both slowly fall a sleep in each others arms)

...................... ................. ............... on to part 5!!
Sorry if this was a half way chapter but part 5 should fix that!

Apart from reader all characters belong to Edd's world

tom,tord x depressed readerWhere stories live. Discover now