W A K E U P (pt 2)

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Edd: Y/n....

Y/n: um... hi

You get up make your way to them the look of shock and surprise on their faces. They couldn't think what they all saw and heard was real or not.

Y/n: surprise?! ehehehheh..... you said in the most awkward way possible.

then with out hesitation they give you a massive group and start to cry like if it was a Steven universe episode.

Edd: Are you ok!!! are you hurt!!! why didn't you call us after you woke up!!!!! he said as he cupped your face with his hands to inspect you for injuries like a mother would for her child.

Y/n: I-I-I- but before you could say anything matt intervened.


Y/n: I-I-I-I... you start to tear up from the pressure.

tord: We were all worried about you and you didn't bother calling us!

but before tom could have his say you snap back.

Y/n: FINE!! MAYBE I SHOULDN'T OF CAME BACK AT ALL THEN!! you say as you now have tears pour down you red face, you run upstairs before anyone could say a word.

Edd and the rest were shocked and worried but soon they hear banging and shouting from your room and with out hesitation they all rush upstairs and what was going on.

Y/n: FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK! WHERE ARE THEY!!!!!!! you scream in trying to find something, bangs on your door soon appear.

Tord: Y/n whats going on in there!


Tord: Where is what Y/n!? he said growing more concerned, then suddenly a smash comes from your room.

Tord knocks the door wide open to see with smashed glass on the floor as your trying to find a piece big enough to cut your self, he runs over and pulls you away from the shattered glass and holds you.

Y/n: let me go!! you say as you try and get out of his grip.

Tord: you need to calm down!! sturggling to keep you in one place.

After an hour of struggling u pass out, Tord puts you in bed and the others clean up the shattered glass and soon after left you to sleep.

\ next day/
You wake to a terrible headache, it was like someone had hit you with a hammer across the head. You attempt to get up and with some success you get up but not with out rushing to the bathroom to vomit.

Y/n: *vomiting noises*

Tord: good morning little prince he says in sarcastic nature as he kneels downs and holds your long scruffy hair back.

After vomiting you sit down with your back resting on the side of the bath tub.

Y/n: w...what happened

Tord: you got pissed that's what happened. Rubbing ur back in gentle circles.

Knock knock. It was Tom with a glass of water telling Tord he was relieved of his duty like a soldier and so Tord heads for down stairs to see the others.

Tom: *kneels down to where u are* You know we're were only worried about you and without any contact you woke up, you had us all scared you know.

Y/n: I....I know..

Hey sorry for not posting college just came recently and so I've been busy with that.
Hope y'all can forgive me,
With that said I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even if it felt a little short.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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tom,tord x depressed readerWhere stories live. Discover now