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A/N so here goes chapter 2!!! I'm sorry for posting it late. I was too busy with exams and finally it's over!



Eunmi's POV

Seriously?! What are they doing here? Class!!!! Anyway as I came out of my thoughts, I shifted my gaze to my fellow companions and just as expexted, they're all stunned. They're eyes are wide open like one of the students' eyes who invade our classroom.

"Uhmm...If I may ask you..What are you doing here?" I asked them and notices a poker-faced Sehun"and Sehun! Mind explaining the situation here!" I shot him a glare.

"Oh! Mianhe noona...they are my 11 friends that I usually hang out with everyday. Oh and they're also the new batch that'll be joining our school from now on!" He apolagized and inform me giddily. And that's when realization hit me. My eyes bacame wider than ever and my jaw dropped. I facepalmed and rubbed my temples cursing myself for being forgetful and now look at me, embarrasing myself infront of these bunch of newbies. Yeah you're right, the top performing student, one of the candidates for the new President and the newly chosen President of P.A.A.S is a forgetful one. I ran straight to my office and get a file that has the new students info. on them.

I then came out of my office still eyeing the file.

"Mianhe for being so forgetful~...Boys, would you mind introducing yourselves before the opening ceromany start which is another 15 minuites?" I asked them with a welcoming smile after having a quick look on my watch.

"Sure!" They replied in unison. They lined up in a line facing me and my friends.

"Annyeong! I'm Kim Minseok but nicknamed as Xiumin or Baozi. I'm 24 this year. You might be wondering why I entered when I should be searching for a job but I came here for further studies and try to relax my mind a bit for a year. My family owns about 100 branch of reataurants and cafes." A-bubbly-baozi-looking guy said in a bubbly tone *Author-nim is obssesed with the word bubbly XD*

"Hi! I'm Xi Lu Han. You can call me Luhan for short. I'm 23 years old and my family took control of the laws and courts all over Korea." A guy that looked like he's 12 years old introduce himself. I mean, look at him, how can HE be 23 YEARS OLD!!!!!

" Hello! I'm Wu Kris. Call me Kris. My family owns the Royal Air Transportation and The Royal Air Forces in Korea. By the way, I'm 23 too" A guy that is sooo tall said to me. Imagine, talking to someone who is so tall that you have to look up to look at his face. *you feel me??!! huh?!*

"Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun. 19 years old. Owns the Jinhwa co. and some of the royal shares" A guy who obviously wore an eyeliner said without even saying hello! And to mention that he didn't even smile instead he smirked! Urghh who do you think you are mister?!

Baekhyun's POV

I still thinks she's an attention-seeker even though she looks really inncocent and kind. Oh well, I can't just talked to the President of the school like that! Now she'll think I'm rude. I won't be suprise if I'm the first one to get expelled by her. *sigh* What a challenge.

Eunmi's POV

Next came a guy who have the most angelic smile plastered upon his face."Hello! I'm Kim Joon Myeon. 22 years old. My family owns about 30-40% shares of all the automoblie company in Korea. It's so nice to finally meet the daughter of the school's chairman." and he smiled at me again.

Oh well, 5 done and 7 to go. *sigh*

"Annyeong!!! I'm Park Chanyeol. They call me Chanyeol, Cahnnie or even Yeollie! I'm known as the happy virus amogst all of us. I'm 21 years of age. My family owns the biggest and the most successful Sports car company in Korea. Familiar with Zenst Automobile co. Well that's ours. We owned over 70 branches just around the states but 97 more around the world except Korea...we have only 68 branches here including the spare parts shops. Anyway. It's very very nice to meet you since you're the daughter of the chairman and-" before he could continue Baekhyun shut his mouth up and he finally stop talking.

Wow! He really is a non-stop talker. How could he even say that all so fast and yet so clearly?!

After him came a shy guy who look down as if the floor is the most interesting thing to watch right now. He's kinda cute with his dimple showing whenever he smiles.

"Hi!" I started speaking knowing that he's to shy to even utter a word.

"H-hi. I-I'm Yi X-xing. Just c-call me L-lay. I'm 21 too. My family owned all of the biggest shopping malls in all over Korea. It's lovely to finally meet" And finally he looked up at me and smile showing those dimples. At first he was stuttering but then then he starts to speak normally. Then I saw Hana at the far sight blushing uncontrollably. Hehehe shall we tease her?!

Then came a panda-looking guy who looks like he just came out of his bed. "Hi I'm Tao! and I'm 18 years old! I guess that makes you a noona right?" I nodded "My family owns the Martial Arts Academy, Seoul, The M.A.A.S." he smiled.

"Annyeong-haseyo I'm Do Kyungsoo, better known as D.O. "The big-eye-guy that I mentioned earlier bows 60 degrees to me.

"Oh!?No need to be formal" I said to him and he came back up from his bow.

"Neh! arasseo! Anyway, my family took control of Royal Armies academy, Seoul also known as R.A.A.S Alot have become an official guard/army at the palace. Oh and I'm 19 as well" He continued.

Next came a very smirky guy who gave me goosebumps just because the way he looks at you.

"Hi! I'm Kim Jong In. You can call me Kai for short. I'm 18 and that makes you a noona!" he informed me with a lurring smirk. Aiiishhh....why do I have to so old?! now there's 5 people in the class that will call me NOONA/EONNIE *sigh* ( A/N the five people is The Oh Twins, Sehun, Tao and off course Kai)

"Anyways, My appa is the captain of the royal guards and securities in Korea so that makes me a mafia guy" He! captain eyhh?

"Hello! My name is Jong Dae but people call me Chen! I'm 20. You're a dongsaeng to me then right? haha. My family owns the Lottee World and some shares of all the disneylands all over the globe! Nice to meet you dongsaeng-ah!"He hold up his hand for me to shake it and I did.

And that ends their little introction. Just then the bell rangs signalling the opening ceremony is about to start. Lucky you guys, you don't have to walk down the crowded hallway as students rushing their way to the main hall, there's a shorcut that leads to the hall's backstage from your classroom, you know since The Royal Class seats are litterally on the stage.

'I hope this is a start to a new friendship and a new exciting adventure...'


A/N phew! Sooo.... how was that?! Is it good or not?! I hope you guys like it and I'm so sorry If there's grammar mistake xp

I'll try update again in a week time. Thank you! Kamsahabnida! Arigato! Terima Kasih! Maraming Salamat!


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