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Over the next few weeks I got more and more familiar with everyone. I became pretty close with Alison and Lydia as well as Isaac and Boyd. Scott helped me to get a job at the vet where he worked. I was really starting to like Becan hills and the early morning jogs were really relaxing.

    I was in the middle of one of my missed a jog make up for it that evening five mile runs through the woods when something happened. I had my headphones in with A day to remember blasting in my ears when I felt someone following me. I turned off the trail and started to head towards Isaacs turning off my music so I could hear. Twigs snapped behind me and I heard crawling. My pulse started to race and I picked up speed. I was almost to Derek's when I was pushed. I fell forward and slammed my arm into a tree. I let out a scream.  I felt tears in my eyes and a figure with beat red eyes stepped towards me. I raised my good arm and the figure went flying backwards. The figure got up hissed and charged at me again. I panicked and released an energy ball. He dived it and I screamed again.

    Derek's pov:

I was in the house alone when I heard the scream. Sky I growled to myself allowing my instincts to take over. I raced through the woods till I saw her. 

      Sky's pov:

He had me by the neck and I couldn't breathe. I felt week I tried to use my magic but before I could a figure attacked the guy and I blacked out.

   When I woke up I was back in my bed. Scott and stokes were sound asleep on my bedroom floor so I threw a pillow at them. Stiles shot up followed by Scott. They were confused at first but relaxed when they realized it was me. "Omg you're okay you had us so worried don't ever do that again or I will kick your ass do you hear me young lady?"Stiles said as he and Scott attacked me. "what happened?" I asked. "You were attacked in the woods last night Derek found you and brought you here he bandaged you up and Deaten gave you a shot for the pain," Scott said. I looked down trying to remember anything but I couldn't. I was deep in thought when my phone vibrated. The message was from an unknown number.

"They can't protect you forever"

"Sky"? Stiles said breaking my thought process. I looked up locking my phone. "We're gonna head to Derek's wanna come?"Scott asked. I nodded and headed to my closest.

  I decided on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a sky blue tank top with a lace back. I fixed my make up and brushed my hair which surprisingly didn't look to bad.

    Scott and Stiles were waiting in the kitchen when I came down. They nodded and we hopped in my car and headed out. I felt extremely weird and dizzy but i just ignored it.

    When we arrived it was only Derek and his uncle Peter there since Erica and everyone else were at school. As we walked into the Hale house I heard a huge gasp come from behind me. When I turned around I saw Scott and Stiles staring at me with wide eyes. Before I could say anything everything went black but before I hit the porch two arms grabbed me.

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