First meet

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The school day came and went super fast. Before I knew it I was standing at my locker with Stokes, Scott, Lidia and Alisson. "So Sky this weekend Lidi and I are having a girl's night and you should come,"Alisson said wrapping her arm around Scott. I nodded and we headed outside.

      Derek's pov:

I stood outside with Erica and Boyd the sun beat down on my leather jacket. Scott and the others came out of the school followed by some girl.

    "Hey Derek,"Scott said as he approached me. I nodded. "Meet at my house tonight for practice," I said making eye contact with the new girl. Scott nodded and they all walked off.

      Sky's pov:

Once in the car all I could hear was Scott freaking out about training with Derek "Scott it'll be okay,"Stiles said trying to calm him down. I didn't know what to say without making things worse so I just sat back and let them handle it.

   When we pulled into the drive way my blue alero was there but my mom's car was still gone so I assumed she had to work late again. With a sigh I climbed out and headed inside to my room.

     I laid on my bed and was soon out like a light.

I wasn't sure how long I was out before I heard a soft knock on my door and Scott begin to speak.

"Hey Sky Stiles and I are gonna head to Derek's wanna come?" Scott asked sitting down at the edge of my bed. I sat up and nodded before climbing out of my bed. I through on a pair of black flats and headed downstairs with Scott.

    It seemed like seconds before we were at Derek's. His house seemed like one of those houses they'd make ghost movies about.

   Once we got inside two people were already fighting. A curly haired boy and some girl. The curly haired boy body slammed the girl and she let out a growl. She jumped to her feet and slid under the curly haired boy and kicked him in the back. I fell forward and caught himself. I gasped and everyone looked at me. "What is she doing her,"the girl asked. "Um guys this is my older sister Skyler,"

Scott said stepping in front of me. Everyone nodded and headed towards me causing my heart to beat faster. "Sky the girl is Erica, the curly haired loser is Isaac and the darker guy is Boyd." Stiles said smiling to himself.

    I was talking to everyone when a tall dark haired man in a leather jacket came into the room. He was amazingly cute I thought. "No outsiders,"He said through his teeth. "Derek this is-",Scott was interrupted. "I don't care who she is I said no outsiders,"Derek said again. "Come on don't be a sour wolf,"Stiles said sarcastically. He growled again. "If I beat you in a fight can I stay?"I asked confidently. Derek's head shot in my direction and the whole room went numb and Derek nodded. "Sky don't,"Scott said worried. "I'll be okay,"I said stepping towards Derek.

    I was nervous but before I could catch a breath Derek longed at me. I panicked and jumped doing a flip in the air landing behind him. I turned on my heels and kicked him in the back...nothing. He spun around and chuckled before longing at me again. This time I slid under him did a back flip over him grabbing his face and slamming him to the ground. He out a hiss and got up. He reached for my arm but I blocked him.

  After awhile of endless fighting we both gave. "Okay she can stay,"Derek said helping me off the ground. "Cute and tough...maybe you can train Scott,"He said walking out of the room leaving their blushing like an idiot.


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