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When I woke up I was lying on an old couch in the middle of Derek's living room. My head wad pounding but I sat up anyway. I could heat voices coming from the other room s I decided to follow them.

     Derek's pov:

"what's going on with her?" Stiles asked. We all looked to Peter for answers but he seemed just as confused as we were. "I have never seen anything like that," Peter said. I was on the verge of saying something when Skyler came into the room. She looked pale and week. Scott and Stiles bolted to her said and she smiled weekly. "Guys I'll be okay," she said trying to reassure them. "What happened that night in the woods?" Peter asked, "Derek said the guy had burn marks going across his chest."She paused for a second then looked up her eyes meeting mine. "I honestly don't remember," she said. Peter stepped towards her causing Scott to stiffen and move in front of her. I let out a small grawl knowing only Peter would hear. He smirked and continued towards her. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Stay away from her,"I warned. When I looked up Sky seemed perfectly fine.

     Skyler's pov:

My body and head began to tingle and I could tell what that meant. Thanks Aurora I said to myself. My white lighter had come through. I looked ahead and Derek and everyone else was starring. Crap I thought. "Well you look better,"Peter's said with a snark. "ya,I feel better too, what happened?" I asked. "that's what we wanna know,"Stiles said confused.

    When we got home that night all my wounds were completely healed. I was in the middle of looking at the spots my injuries had been when my phone vibrated. Hesitantly I retrieved it off my bed and read the message. Meet me at the park in and hour-Derek

    I debated for a bit than decided to go. It was about 8 when I got to the park. I seemed like forever before I finally found Derek sitting on the park bench. "Hey," I said faintly. He stood and turned towards me. "how ya doin?" he asked." Mr. Sourwolf himself wants to know how little ol mes doing I should feel honored,"I said jokingly. "I take it you've been around Stiles,"he said as he started to walk,"I didn't get a chance to talk to you since the incident in the woods and you passing out on my front porch and with Stiles and Scott witness protection I just wanted to see how you were."

I was taken back Derek never seemed like the caring type. "I'm okay everythings still extremely fuzzy but other than that I'm Okay. He nodded and we continued to walk. Walking with Derek was nice there was something about him that made me feel safe and protective and I really enjoyed it.

    The next few days of school were weird Scott had Stiles Lydia and Allison constantly watch after me I wasn't aloud anywhere with telling someone. It was kinda sweet knowing Scott cared. "Scott listen to me I'm okay I don't need Scott protection I feel fine trust me," I said as I cooked dinner that night. Scott was hesitant but soon agreed. "I just wanna keep you safe,"he said sheepishly. I smiled and continued to cook. O felt horrible for not telling him the truth but at the same time I knew he wouldn't be able to understand. Or would he?

My thought was cut short when a loud thud came from the living room. Scott dashed through the kitchen into the other room. I followed closely behind. In the center of the living room was a shattered window and two late beat red eyes. It was unlike anything I've ever seen before. It smiled and attacked taking my brother down. I didn't know what to do. Looks like Scott would find out the truth and I had no way around it

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