Episode 20: Search Inside

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Misty sat on the stool while a maid was rushing around the room and giving her dresses and dressing her up. Today is the day where Prince Ruby is going to announce their engagement and the maid seems more excited than Misty. Misty was just sitting there, looking at the windows and admiring the outside scenery. The maid behind her was gushing on how Misty is so lucky and how she will make her into the most beautiful girl in the world. Misty sighs in irritation and doesn't pay attention to the maid. The maid never listens to her, only to Prince Ruby so she gives up. It is hee wedding yet she feels like she doesn't want it to happen. It is like she has no control over her life. She is only known as Prince Ruby's Wife like she is a possession. Misty never liked to be under control. It made her wonder what makes her fall in love with Prince Ruby in the first place.

Throughout the week, Misty was pushed around to try on many dresses that some she didn't even like. If she liked the dress, then Prince Ruby had to approve it. If he didn't approve of it, then she can't wear it. Misty feels that she is turning more and more girly because of the dresses, makeup, shoes, accessories, and her room. Prince Ruby decides everything for her and Misty is starting to get sick of it. No one listens to her opinion. It is like she is just there for show, a fake wife. The only person that Misty liked to talk to is Drew, Paul, May, Dawn, Ash, Lucy, and Jessie, who understands her and never change her for who she is. She also talked to James at times and Brock. They make her feel important and special. But she knows that she can't help them by telling her in-laws. They would never listen to her and said that her job is to 'look pretty and support the family".

Misty begins to feel a more pull toward Prince Ash, her 'savior' every day. She feels that when she is around him, she is more comfortable, secured, and freer. When she is around him, a single move, even the smallest thing, like when their fingers accidentally touch a little, makes her heart skip a beat and beats fast. What is this feeling, Misty doesn't know? She knows that she is in 'love' with Prince Ruby but she feels like she is really in love with Prince Ash. Every moment they spend together is cherished in Misty's heart and made her smile, even Misty just saw him walking down the hallway. Love is a mysterious thing.

The maid puts Misty into a revealing red dress that is open at her back. The dress had white underskirts and golden designs. Misty's hair was let down with a golden clip, clipping her bangs to one side. The maid put red lipstick, black eyeliner, and red blush on Misty's face. Misty looks at the mirror with a frown. This is not her. She is wearing a ruby necklace with a golden chain and white gloves that reach her elbows. Red is Prince Ruby's favorite color and Misty has to wear red for him. Misty thanked the maid and put the extra lipstick in her skirt because she always wipes the lipstick off. She walks out of the room and begins to swim around. It is about time for the party and people are starting to arrive. Misty can't be seen by the guests until she is being announced.

As Misty walks around the kingdom, she spots Prince Ash looking out the garden of a variety of red flowers, for Prince Ruby. He sighs as he stares at the flowers. Misty swims over and sits beside him. Prince Ash looks toward his side and finds Misty sitting beside him and looking at the flowers too. Ash looks away and looks at the now turning pink sky. He sighs and closes his eyes.

"Life is difficult right? I always wonder if my life is like this. I never would think that this is going to be me, marrying someone that I think I would ever like. I wonder if that is what love is," Misty suddenly said.

Ash opens his eyes and looks at Misty. "Love happens in many different ways. A normal girl can fall in love with a criminal. Someone can fall in love when they are opposites. There is no true definition," Ash answers.

"You seem to know a lot about love. Have you loved some before?" Misty asked.

"You" Ash wanted to say but instead he sighs. "Yes. I do fall in love. I still do with the same person," Ash replies.

"Who is the special girl then?" Misty asked.

"Someone that does not belong to me anymore. Anyways, I better go and get ready for the party. I will see you there," Ash said as he left Misty alone in the garden, confused.

Throughout the party, Misty finds herself looking around for something that she didn't know even herself on what it is. She feels that she is losing something close to her. After Prince Ruby announces her as his wife, Misty walks around while Prince Ruby is enjoying himself around all the other girls that have no shame in themself for flirting with an almost married man and for an almost married man playing with other girls and not his future wife. Misty finds herself wandering into the garden. No one is going to find her missing. After all, she was just there for show. While walking down into the garden, Misty finds Ash alone. Curious and feeling the need to be around him, Misty sat down beside him with her dress spread out. They sit together in silence as they enjoy each other's company and enjoy the night.

"You know, sometimes I wonder if Prince Ruby is my love or not. I wonder why I even think of that. But I feel that this is all a bad dream," Misty said as she looks out at the sky.

"Maybe it is all but a bad dream," Ash replies.

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