Chapter 4

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You kept walking silently you started questioning yourself. Why are you still following them? You don't have to go with them? But what was the use, they already added you as their plus one. In the distance you could here less than hundreds of girls screaming out Noah's and Finn's name. They smile and more like 16 girls came your way. They both stop and the girls just start taking pictures. The girls looked very excited, talking at once. You stand there waiting for them in confusion. You notice something familiar on a poster. It said MISSING CHILD
Missing since Tuesday
Name:[Y/N] [L/N]
Eye Color:[E/C]
Hair Color:[H/C]
And a picture of you

Your eyes widen and you tap on Noah and Finn on the shoulder telling them to hurry up. All the girls look back at you and you look at them. The girls look at you with blanked confused expressions.You quickly take Noah's glasses and put them on. Noah looks back at you so does Finn, but he turned back like it was normal for you. Noah began to blush lightly, but he looks away. Most of the girls look at you with anger or confusion.You hide your face behind Finn. Finn tugs you forward next to him. Finn wraps his arms around you and that catches Noah's attention away from the girls. Noah looks at Finn while he looks around jealousy fills Noah's face. He looks away from him and the girls are looking at you. You look at Finn and something catches his attention to look at you. He pulls you in front of him and he takes off your glasses. His eyes widen in shock he puts the glasses back on you and he grabs your hand pulling you to the Missing Poster. "What the hell [Y/N]!"Finn hisses. "I thought you said your foster parents didn't care about you. If they didn't care about you why is this poster all the way in New York." You quickly tear off the poster and throw it in the trash.

"They don't!" You say.Your heart sinks and you forget how to breath. Finn's holding your hand tightly and Noah comes running towards us.

"Wh-what's going on?" Noah stutters. Finn lets go of my hand and looks at Noah.

"Nothing we were just talking for a bit."He answers. "Anyways let's go our planes almost here. Finn walks away and Noah stands there blushing.

"Yeah he's right let's go." Noah voice cracks. He holds your hand like he hasn't seen you in forever. You began to blush as he holds your hand you guys stop and walk into a room where Finn stands there inpatient like he was waiting forever. You pull away from his hand and smile.

"What are we waiting for let's go." You sign. You walk in before them admiring the plane no one was there you where by yourselves.

"Noah I thought you said you weren't going to go all out." Finn crosses his arms and looks at Noah in disappointment.

They both laugh, "I'm just sitting where they put us." Noah responds in laughter. You were still admiring the whole private area.You look back at where Noah and Finn where standing.You smile at them both and hug them both.

"I'm so glad I agreed to go with you guys." You whisper. You pull away and sit on the seats.You can tell Finn was still mad at you, but you didn't care.As long as you were away from New York you would be fine. Right?

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