Chapter 22

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"You're what??" Noah says taking a few steps back.

"Please don't tell anyone!" Finn begs.

"I'm not I-... I really don't want to lose you"  You mumble inturupting Noah.

"I just need to think." Noah sighs.

"No you can't think you need to tell us are you going to tell anyone?!" Finn asks with a concerned look.

"Why don't you want to be found?" Noah says looking down at you.

"I- I can't go back to that house where I'm forced to sign papers that I don't want to sign." You sob.

Finn knocks on Monica's door making her slowly open it.

"Papers?" Noah asks looking at Monica.

"Please just don't tell anyone." Monica crys.

"Wait, you're missing too?" Noah says confused looking at you and Monica at the same time.

"Noah!" Finn yells making him jump.

"Fine,I won't tell.." Noah gulps and turns around walking back to his room.

*Noah's pov*

I walked away not even wanting to turn back around. I didn't even know what to say anymore except questions.The only thing on my mind is [Y/N] I like her a lot more than I like myself and I don't want to lose her, but I also don't want her to get in trouble. I look at the paper one more time before putting it in my pocket and opening the door to my room.

"What's wrong with you?" Gaten asks concerned seeing the little frown on my face.

"Thinking." I shake my head.

"About?" Gaten questions.

"I'll tell you later..." I sigh.

"Is it about that paper in your pocket." Gaten says pointing at the poster in my pocket with his index finger.

"O-oh no." I respond my voice shaking.

"Come on I bet its nothing." Gaten says walking a bit closer.

"It's nothing really." I step a little back making sure the paper is still in my pocket.

It wasn't it was on the floor and Gaten had already picked it up. He glared at the paper like he was really curious to open it.

"I won't open it if it's important to you and don't want anyone to see it." He sighs trying to hand it back to me.

"It's not important." I blurt out.

"Ok..." Gaten says opening it slowly.

"Wait...-No!" I yell.

His face expression drops as he looks down at the paper.

"Is this [Y/N]...?" He mumbles.

"No! Yes? I don't know!" I cry.

"We have to tell someone..." He says walking toward the door.

"No please don't tell anyone!" I beg snatching the papers from his hand.

"Noah this is serious!!" Gaten protests.

"No it's not!" I yell.

"Noah she used us get over it!" He tells back.

"She didn't use us, did she" I look up at Gaten and he just strugs his shoulders.

I let go of Gaten falling to my knees.

"I'm going to go tell someone." Gaten sighs walking out of the door and leaving me crying on the floor.

I didn't know what to do now I couldn't breath from all the tears that were coming out. My thoughts were all around my head and I couldn't get them out.

I hear the door open and look up to see Finn looking down at me confused.

"I'm s-so sorry." I cry out.

Finn sits down and hugs me.

"It's ok I know you're confused" Finn pats back back a little and picks up my head to face him.

"No I told and it's my fault that [Y/N] is going to get in trouble..." I sob.

"Wait what!" Finn says getting up.

"Noah... no" Finn yells and runs out the door making me feel even more guilty.

It was my fault they're both going to get in trouble, Monica and [Y/N] I am so sorry
I was supposed to take care of you. And I'm so sorry that I didn't the day I meet you I thought you where some crazy fan that follows me. But I got to know you and I kinda fell in love with you.The more we hung out the more I wanted you to be mine. And I got that for a little while but then I lost you again. The day you told me "you ran away" I didn't know what to say. I didn't even think it was a big deal, but then everything got so serious. And that led up to the missing posters I never noticed. Well maybe I did but I thought I was just losing it. I guess this is for real. This is life maybe it's for the best of it.

Runaway- Noah Schnapp x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now