Time to Go

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Jungkook sighs as he pulls off his shirt. He was laying in bed with husband and kids when Areum so politely pointed at Jungkook's chest and said "Mommy, your boobies are leaky!" So he scooted out of bed, holding his giant belly ignoring the pain in his body and went to the ensuite to change his shirt. He takes a moment to look at his shirtless body in the mirror. His bump is big but it doesn't look like he's carrying four babies, maybe two or three, but not four. He now has two stretch marks on his left hip, three on the right, and the one by his belly button. He sometimes chuckles to himself claiming it's a stretch mark for each child he's ever birthed. He gently holds his belly, babies wriggling around inside, he can literally feel them shoving each other and it hurts bad. His uterus is basically at max capacity but baby S's lungs are decently developed now so he's getting a c-section tomorrow after they bring the kids to school and preschool.

"I can't wait to meet you all." He coos at his tummy briefly before putting on a male nursing top and inserting nipple pads in it. He goes pee and then heads back once he's all washed up. He can't walk fast and he waddles very clearly now, no one dares point that out.

He gets back into the bed and Areum cuddles up to him and gently pats his tummy. "We get babies tomorrow!" Areum squeaks. "Will you have babies in your belly again soon, mommy?" Jungkook nearly chokes and Taehyung snorts when he stifles his laugh.

"Nope, these are the only younger siblings you're gonna have. Mommy is done growing babies." He laughs softly running his hands through her hair.

"All done growing daddy's babies?"

"Yup, all done." He smiles. Areum seems satisfied with the conversation and rolls over and cuddles up to her older brother.

"Oppa, I love you." She says as she sits up and drops her weight on him.

"I love you too." He giggles.

"Alright, you two have school in the morning, say goodnight to mommy." Taehyung says as he shuts off the tv then peels Areum off her brother.

"Awww..." They both say.

"Goodnight, Mommy." Kyungsan says and gives Jungkook a hug and a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." Jungkook smiles as he caresses Kyungsan's cheek. His once very needy baby boy is now seven years old and is so helpful to his especially since he got pregnant. Always checking on his mother and making sure he was okay. When he's not fussing over his mom he's fussing over his little sister. When she's hungry and wants some fruit snacks and a juice, Kyungsan gets it for her. Jungkook is so blessed.

"Goodnight, Mommy! I love you! I can't wait to see the babies!" She peppers kisses all over his face, like literally all over his face. She gives him a quick hug before scooting down to his belly. "See you guys tomorrow!" She kisses his belly four times. "One kiss for each baby!" She says before hugging the bump. As cute as the gesture is the pressure is honestly painful, Jungkook hides it though.

"Careful, baby." He says gently.

"I'm sorry, Mommy!" She kisses him another twelve times before Taehyung takes her away, scooping her up in his arms and cradling her like a baby regardless that she's four.

Jungkook is by himself now and relaxes into the bed groaning gently. A few weeks ago he was in a constant state of discomfort, now it's all just pain. His stomach in particular. Braxton Hicks contractions are the worst, they hurt enough to cause him to stop whatever he's doing and will his body to relax as e breathes in and out.

He's passed out before Taehyung even gets back from tucking in the kids.


An hour was all he could manage for decent sleep. The next few hours were exhausting, he couldn't sleep between little contractions, the horrible burning in his belly, and having to pee. At about four in the morning the pain is really starting to bother him and the little contractions are getting quick and intense. With a little groan he gets himself out of bed and calls Yoongi.

"Hey, Kook, they coming on their own?" Yoongi yawns through the phone.

"Yeah, can you come over now? I'm gonna wake up Taehyung and have him take me to the hospital." He explains gently rubbing his belly, the burning feeling still getting worse with each contraction, but unlike contractions the pain doesn't go away.

"I'll be over in five. I'll just stay there and get them off to school in the morning so don't worry."

"Thank you."

"See you soon." Jungkook ends the call and makes another, by the time he's done with that Yoongi sends a text that he's letting himself in, Jungkook then decides to start jostling Taehyung. It's not enough.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook shouts and effectively wakes up his husband.

"Is it the babies?!" He says rubbing his eyes trying to get them adjusted to the light.

"I woke up in pain and it's getting worse. I'm having tiny contractions but the other pain remains, Yoongi is already here to watch the kids, he's just going to wait for them to wake up before bringing them to his house." Jungkook explains as he tries to find a way to get his socks on.

"Here." Taehyung says as he gets off the bed and helps his heavily pregnant husband get on his socks and slippers.

"What do my feet look like?" Jungkook laughs before groaning in pain.

"Cute swollen feet. Contraction?"

"No, the pain is getting worse." The way his face is scrunched up and the way he clutches his large belly and sort of hunches over it leads Taehyung to believe he's in a lot more pain than he's admitting.

"Alright, we're leaving in a minute." Taehyung says seriously as he quickly changes into sweats and a T-shirt. "Put on your mask." He hands his husband the oxygen mask as he grabs the portable tank. It takes awhile to get Jungkook out to the car but they manage it, thanking Yoongi on their way out.

But the car ride is anything but simple and peaceful twenty minutes in.

"Tae!" Jungkook whimpers loudly. Taehyung doesn't get time to answer before he hears the most blood-curdling scream he's ever heard in his life. Worse than when Jungkook gave birth to Kyungsan. He opts for the emergency room entrance and Jungkook doesn't stop screaming and tears flow nonstop from eyes. The lights coming from the building allow him to see the animatic fluid and blood all over Jungkook's pants.

"I will be back with help." The younger doesn't respond, he just continues to scream. Luckily there were doctors already waiting within the doors with a gurney and rushed out the moment he opened the car door. The small herd of doctors immediately start getting Jungkook out of the car and one pulls Taehyung out of the way.

"Sir, what happened?" The intern asks him.

"He-" Taehyung doesn't realize he's crying until he blinks and suddenly everything isn't so blurry. "He said he was in pain...he's thirty three weeks pregnant today...Yoora told him to get induced, but he wanted them to come naturally..." Taehyung watched as they wheeled Jungkook into the trauma room, four little incubators set just outside ready to go. Clearly someone called ahead.

"His uterus ruptured, we need to do a crash-c and get these babies out now!" One of the doctors shouts and Jungkook's screaming dwindles to silence and all that can be heard is the doctors talking over each other and to each other before a time of birth is shouted and a baby cries. Then another. Then another. Then nothing. Four doctors rush out with a small baby wrapped in a blanket, one smaller than the others. One doctor steps out and confronts Taehyung while the babies are placed in incubators and wheeled into the elevator.

"All the babies are going to be checked out upstairs. The girl is small and barely cried but she's breathing on her own. Your husband's uterus ruptured and we're taking him to surgery now to repair the tear." Taehyung can only nod, he can't be relieved until Jungkook is okay.

"How did you guys know to be ready? Did someone call?"

"He did."


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