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"You're an oversharer when you're loopy from anesthesia." Taehyung laughs, playing with a lock of Jungkook's hair.

"What?" The younger looks up from
the male breast pump attached to both sides of his chest confused. "Oh no, what did I do?"

"When you first came to you didn't remember me and the first thing you said when you saw me was 'Holy fuck, he's hot.' The second time, well I'm a little traumatized."

"Tell me."

"It was flattering at first..."


"I have the best, most handsome-est husband in the whole world." Jungkook coos as he pats Taehyung's face. "He's a great father, he's a lovely human being, and he's great in bed. He has the best dick! Well, his is the only dick I've ever had. I wasn't even sure I was into it at first, I thought it was wrong for myself to be gay or bi. I'm bi. But it doesn't matter cuz I'm married to the greatest man on earth!" He smiles at Taehyung, if life was an anime Jungkook's eyes would be hearts right now.

"That's lovely!" The nurse laughs, not really paying mind to what he's saying.

"Oh no." Jungkook pouts. "We won't have sex for like ever now that the quads are born. No more mind-blowing, toe-curling sex with my perfect husband. By the time I'm healed enough to have sex the quads will be home and we won't get like any time. I'll miss your dick." He whines and Taehyung's ears turn red. "You have such a nice dick."

"Jungkook!" Taehyung clears his throat, pointing at the nurse. "I don't think this is a conversation to have in front of your nurse."

"She probably don't care!" He giggles. "I didn't get pregnant by not having sex. If the quads hadn't destroyed my uterus we could've made an army. Hey, that's funny. Our fanbase is ARMY. Hey, what if we did have that baby after Areum and still got pregnant with quads? Like we'd have our own BTS. We'd have seven kids. Fuck that's a lot."

End of flashback

"I regret asking now..." Jungkook sighed and leaned back into the pillows.

"The whole time you'd randomly ask to see the babies, so you weren't entirely derailed." Jungkook's expression falls as he looks down.

"I'm sorry..." He sniffles, tears filling his eyes. "I'm so sorry!"

"Hey, whoa! It's okay! Baby, where is this coming from?!" Taehyung instantly gets up and gets on the bed, hugging Jungkook to his chest.

"I'm sorry I risked all our lives! I could've left you alone with six kids! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry my body couldn't keep them in longer!" He sobs, hard.

"Yeah, keeping them in was risky, but you did it so our youngest daughter would be healthy and thrive. Jungkook, she's beautiful. They're all beautiful." Taehyung pulls away to wipe away his husband's tears. "You did good, baby, don't apologize. Everything is okay and everyone is okay."

"I want to see them." Jungkook sniffles as he calms down.



Jungkook is wheeled into the NICU and he's more than ready to see his babies. He ignores his body's demands for rest as he unbuttons the top of his gown. He NEEDS to see his babies. The four babies he's worked so hard for these past months.

"The twins we decided to put together because mister Jaekook seemed to hate being by himself." The nurse explains with a smile reaching into the incubator to take out one tiny baby.

"This one is Jihyung, he's the chubbier twin." Taehyung coos at the baby they lay on Jungkook's bare chest. The nurse then brings over the other identical twin.

"You must be Jaekook then." Jungkook smiles. The boys fussing dies down quickly, nuzzling against their mother's body heat.

"They look like you, don't they?" Taehyung smiles, gently petting Jungkook's hair.

"Kind of, I think Taesung looks mostly like you though...when will they be back?"

"In just a few minutes."

Jungkook and Taehyung wait patiently for the other two babies to come back from their tests. When they do, the nurses add the other two babies onto Jungkook's chest. Taehyung watches his husband's face as he coos over the wriggling, fussy babies.

"How are they feeding?" Jungkook asks with a little sniffle and Taehyung wipes away his husband's tears.

"Taesung eats a lot, he gets hungry first. Jaekook and Jihyung get hungry about the same time, and Soojung eats most frequently, but she won't take a bottle so they put in a feeding tube." Taehyung answers.

"She won't take a bottle? But she keeps trying to latch." Jungkook gestures with his head and sure enough, Soojung is rubbing her face to his breast, mouth open wide for food but her brother Jaekook is blocking the source and it's clearly frustrating her.

"Oh! If you could breastfeed her and if she's eats plenty we can try taking out the feeding tube!" The nurse puts the twins back in their incubator and gives Taesung to Taehyung to feed the baby a bottle before seeing about getting Soojung to latch.

"But what about my anesthesia medicine from my c-section and hysterectomy?" Jungkook asks with worry as he covers his nipple with his hand because Soojung is seemingly bound and determined to get it.

"They're made to quickly metabolize and you pumped earlier so the medicine is gone. It's perfectly safe to feed her."

Once Jungkook is convinced and Soojung is clearly pissed off, he finally uncover his nipple and the newborn is quick to latch.

"That's a good sign!"

After Soojung was done feeding and was burped and changed, Jungkook had tried to breastfeed the boys, feeling it was unfair to only feed one of the babies. However, the twins completely refused the offering. Taesung did latch though, even fed a little bit. But by the next feeding he would latch but not feed so they decided to give up and bottle feed him along with the twins. And just to keep things fair, they tried to give Soojung a bottle even trying different styles of nipples too but she would only feed from her mom.


They set Jungkook and the babies up in a private room. The babies were doing great and Soojung was doing a lot better physically than when she was first born. They're now three days old and when Taehyung gets back Kyungsan and Areum will finally get to meet them in person.

They soon come from the door, dressed in sterile gowns, gloves, and masks the nurses gave them, and they're very much excited. Jungkook missed having his family together so much.

"Mommy!" Kyungsan instantly breaks out into sudden tears. Jungkook is currently feeding Soojung but he reaches out with his free arm.

"Awww, Kyungie." He sniffles, his own eyes filling with tears. "Come here, baby boy." Kyungsan rushes over to the bed and quickly climbs up. Jungkook quickly hugs him close being careful of the baby in his arm.

"I missed you, mommy!!" The seven-year-old cries. Jungkook can't help but tear up too.

"I missed you too!" He gently kisses Kyungsan's dark hair. "Oh I missed you all so much." It takes Kyungsan a minute or two to calm down, he's still sniffling when he pulls away to look at the baby.

"Kyungsan, meet your baby sister, Soojung." Taehyung picks up Areum and brings her over to see her too.

"Hi, Soojung." He sniffs and gently touches her tiny hand.

"She likes your milk, mommy." Areum coos, reaching out to touch the baby's leg.

"She does." Jungkook laughs.

"I missed you mommy!" Areum smiles leaning down in Taehyung's arms for a kiss despite having a mask on her face.

"I missed you too, baby girl." Jungkook leans over and gives her a kiss.


A much needed update for you all! I hope you enjoy it!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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