Chapter 8

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Swiper, Isa and Tico spun around to face her, shock written on their faces.

"Yes, the girl has a mouth. I am fudging alive you morons! Is someone gonna explain what's going on or do I have to extract the information myself?!"

"Luna, you need to calm down-"

"CALM DOWN?! BOI I WILL MESS YOU UP- that reminds me." She walked over to the pervert of a bodyguard, grabbed him gently by the collar with a sickly sweet smile on her face and punched him in the nose. He held his bleeding nose and groaned. She looked around for a weapon she could use to beat him up but since she found none she straddled him and thrusted her fist into his face till he fell unconscious. She kicked his unconscious body with her foot one more time before she got up and whipped a lose strand of hair behind her ear. "How you like me now pervert." She spat on the floor and sneered at him.

"Uh... what the hell, that was my man you just took out there."

"Oh honey I'll take out the whole force, and your green loving butt with the purple loving hacker and the ginger haired criminal mastermind if SOMEONE DOESN'T GIVE ME A REASON NOT TO AND EXPLANATION RIGHT NOW!" She took the gun from the bodyguard. The other bodygaurds pointed their guns at her. Isa rose an eyebrow.

"Huh. Didn't expect that."

"I can be random when I feel like it. Now someone talk before I blow every single one of your brains out." Tico shrugged. Isa stepped closer to her, trying to diffuse the situation. Luna growled and she backed up. Swiper wolf whistled but looked anywhere but her. Her eyes turned to slits.

"And by someone, I mean Swiper." He winced slightly and looked up.

"Oh, moi? Who the heck is Swiper? The name's Nick Wild, foxy man child- woah, watch where you're pointing that thing." She pointed the gun in his direction and scowled.

"I'm not in the mood for playing games you-"

"But it's so fun!" She walked straight up to him and grabbed the collar of his shirt. She looked straight into his eyes and pressed her gun against his neck, searching for a sign of fear. He stared straight back at her. She chuckled and let him go, tucking the gun into her bolster.

"You remind me of a friend of mine. I'm sorry for freaking out and pointing a gun at you all."

"And knocking my man unconscious."

"Oh no, I'm not sorry about that. I'm pretty proud of myself for doing that." She sat down and sighed. "I still want to know why you took me though. I mean, out of all the agents, me? There has to be a reason Swiper Fox. Also, is Swiper your real name or a nickname? In the bank heist of '04, I just need to know, how did you get that door to melt? I mean it literally-"

"*cough* fangirl alert *cough*." Luna sent a glare in Isa's direction as the boys laughed.

"I am not a fangirl. It's for... research. Let's not forget that I'm a..." she glanced at Swiper's pleading look and sighed. "Forget it." Isa shrugged and motioned for them to follow her. The entered a room with walls made of thick metal. Swiper sat down to brief them. He held out a watch and tapped a button making a hologram appear. "You made a holographic slideshow? When did you prepare all this?"

"A while ago. Just waiting for the right moment." She nodded. "So guys, as you all know, we need to get Backpack-"

"Who's Backpack?" He sighed.

"I don't have time to explain Luna. Can I please carry on-"

"Your name is Luna? That's so co-" Isa shut her mouth when Swiper glared at her.

"If there are no more interruptions, I will be-" Luna kicked him in the shin with as much force as possible. He screeched and fell to the floor, nursing his ankle. She ignored the glare he sent her way and accepted the grateful smile from Isa with a smile of her own.

"Always so dramatic Swiper. Thought you would've grown up a bit after all those years. On a slightly unrelated note, I still can't get over you speaking English Tico." He shrugged.

"I can speak many languages. You have lots of time on your hands with a job and lifestyle like mine."

"Ooh, dangerous. What job might that be?" Luna nudged him, mouthing she's flirting with you idiot to him. He scowled and turned back to her, rubbing the back of his neck. She smiled, urging him to go on. He turned to Luna.

Are you sure?

Totally dude! Go for it!

I... yeah... I sho- no. She's married, remember? Luna sighed, noticing that Tico's shoulders had sagged momentarily before he sat upright, ignoring her question.

"Tico? Tic, come on. Talk to me." He got up to leave.

"Are we done here? I need to go... sort out files. You can brief me later Swiper." Isa was in no mood for it. She grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to her.

"We are not done with our conversation Tico! Why are you-"

"WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP AND PAY ATTENTION?!" Their heads turned to Swiper. He shook, visibly outraged and stalked from one corner of the room to another. His eyes were blazing with anger. He walked out and grabbed a vase, throwing it on the wall at the farthest end of the hallway. Camila dragged herself out of the room, rubbing her eyes and ducked instinctively once she saw a vase in his hand. Luna grabbed his hand and stared him straight in the eyes with a disapproving glare. Camila ran into her room.

"Swiper, calm down. Please, you're scaring Camila. It can't be that bad-"

"She took everything from me. She took you..."

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