Chapter 1

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"Oh Luna..." she stopped short and turned to the smirking agent.

"You have got to be kidding me." She followed him nervously as they got closer and closer to the maximum security unit.

"I kid you not." She sighed. "Your boyfriend's been pining away for you since your last date. He doesn't answer any questions. The only thing he says is-"

"I want her back. Bring her here. Bring her now." She felt chills run down her spine, ignoring the whole boyfriend date part. The whole agency had been teasing her for months. And by everyone, I mean everyone. Random people from all departments, heck, criminals knew her because of it.

She stared at him from behind the glass. She could hear every word he whispered. He spat out the three sentences and went silent. Another agent looked up, her tired face turning into a relieved one.

"There you are. I can't tell you how..." his messy orange hair pushed her into a train of thought. She wondered what kind of thoughts he could have in his messed up head. She snapped out of it when a paper was shoved into her hand and she was pushed towards the door.

"Wait wha-"

"I thought you might space out. Basically, ask your boyfriend the questions as sneakily as possible. This isn't a dating website. We need answers."

Oh, yeah, cause its my fault he's obsessed with little ol me. "Yeah yeah." She took a deep breath.

"Swiper, your girlfriend's here to see you." She stepped into the room and shut the door behind her.

"Oh, uh... Swiper. Swiper Fox. Hi?" He looked up. His blue eyes were dead. She noticed the way they gained a little brightness as they gazed at her. She felt herself soften like she did each time she walked into the room.

"Hello there again. I've been waiting to see you. I told my... colleagues it was strictly business. For the plan and all. They don't need to know about this, do they?"


"You won't tell a soul about our relationship will you?"

"Relationship? With you? Puh-" she winced and swallowed her words.

"I like seeing you like this. A lot less vulnerable whenever you're exposed to my charm, don't you think?" She snorted and checked the piece of paper.

"Plan? What plan?"

"I told you all about it last week."

"I don't remember it like that exactly. You were a bit, well..."


"Extremely evasive. You didn't tell me anything."

"I know. I would have briefed you sooner but, you know, the government is watching. And there is no way they would choose a criminal over her."

"Her?" The power suddenly went out. She couldn't hear a word from outside but she was definitely freaking out. "S-Swiper? Are you okay? What's... what's going on?"

Outside, the two agents were in panic. The guy was trying to open the door but it was sealed tight. He swiped his card but it just flashed red and stayed locked. He started using force but with the doors the government had made, it was futile. The female agent was calling every agent she knew.

"GET THAT BACK UP GENERATOR ON RIGHT NOW DAMMIT! THERE IS AN AGENT IN THAT ROOM WITH A CRIMINAL MASTERMIND! GET THE POWER BACK ON!" She hung up without waiting for a reply and swallowed. "Oh Luna. Please be safe." She picked the phone up again to call another agent.

"U-um, hello?" She stood up, slamming her fists against the door. "HELP! THERESA! PETE-" he grabbed her. He grabbed her. She was frozen. She was completely frozen. Shock, fear, confusion. She couldn't move. He handcuffed her to the chair and rubbed his wrists.

"How does it feel to be the one in chains Luna?" She tried to speak but couldn't. "See, this is the plan! It's going great huh? Your friends are probably gone by now. Everyone has been evacuated to their places, blah blah blah, don't be mad at them though. It isn't personal." He fondled with the door for a few seconds. It slid open with ease.

She finally found her voice and tried to scream. A whimper made its way out of her mouth. He stopped for a second.

"Would you not do that? I'm trying not to be a perv right now because I respect you. Don't mess me up like that." She shut her mouth. "Let's see, 42T, 42- ah! I'll be right back. Gotta go retrieve something from one of the douche bag prison gaurds. Wonder how long he can put up a fight." He strolled into the room, leaving her strapped to the chair.

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