Chapter 20

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"Okay, so it happened some years ago. When we were all freed from Dora's clutches, I kinda became a party guy. And- Benny, get out here. I am the champion of sneaking, your heavy build and heavy footsteps aren't doing great for you." He walked out with a scowl, his annoyance rising when Swiper held out a navy blue leather wallet with his initials inscribed onto it. "I love the design of your wallet, Benny, though I'm pretty sure the phone numbers here are overcrowding it. I mean, really, I've never heard of any of these companies. Let's see, Isabella, Maria, Grace, Rowan- ooh, that sounds pretty. You should go for that one first-"

"Shut up, fox." He grabbed it and sat down next to Backpack. There was tension in the air. Isa simply shrugged but Tico and Luna glared at him. Even Backpack seemed to shift away, almost like his presence scorched her. At least she was opening her eyes a little and seeing him for what he really was. "Stop looking at me, idiots."

"Pretty sure you're the only idiot here, you cow," Tico said angrily, standing up. Benny stood up as well and Luna stepped between the two before they began to throw blows.

"Can both of you shut it? Benny, we all know you're the idiot. Tico, nice work calling him an idiot. Now speak on, Nick!" Swiper facepalmed when they all sent her confused looks. She cleared her throat. "Sorry. I meant Swiper."

"When we were friends in high school, my name was Nicholas Garcìa so she's right. I knew her for about two years, the best two years of my life before I was taken by Dora when I was thirteen. We were the youngest, smartest kids in school so naturally, we clicked. She was a bit more socially awkward and got bullied more but I always tried to help her, highlight on tried-"

"And I loved you for it. Always will." He looked up and blinked, surprised. She rose an eyebrow and realised she had used the l-word by accident. "I mean platonically, alright? Move on with your lives, people."

"Right..." He chuckled and continued. "Like all of you, I was trapped in Dora the Explorer for fourteen years.  Never freed till that fateful day when the show ended. I found out I was about twenty... Seven, a lot older than most of you, and it was 2014. Tico and I kept together, he was like a bodyguard to me, he said that he would always owe me until he saved my life like I saved his. Which brings me to the tale, that started with a party, and ended with a lost memory and a broken heart."

"You sure are one for the dramatics, fox, " Luna mumbled, barely able to hide her excitement with her emotionless expression.

"Hey, Mr Fox..." A drunk clubber in a green dress fought her way through the crowd of women surrounding him. He smirked and rose an eyebrow.

"What is it?"

"Your bodyguard's cute." He rolled his eyes and nudged Tico. He sighed and dragged her away from Swiper. He came back and nodded once before returning to his 'don't mess with me or I'll mess you up' pose.

"Ladies, ladies, there's enough of me to- Luna?" She took a good look at him before spinning around and walking, running out. He scrambled yo, fighting to get through the clubbers to reach her. They got outside, the cold air making her shiver. She had forgotten her coat inside but she wasn't planning on grabbing it anytime soon.

"Luna, wait. Don't go-"

"Do you know how long I stood there, waiting for you to notice me? But of course, you wouldn't. Why would you? Average face plus not skimpy dress equals invisible." He stared at the grey dress she was wearing and sighed. He messed up. This was not how he was planning to meet her. He had missed her so much, fourteen years had passed and somehow, she managed to be even more beautiful than how she looked when they were preteens.

"You... You look gorgeous and I'm sorry-"

"Save it. Can't believe I wasted the time I could literally have spent doing anything else, anything, on you. You're a busy man, I shouldn't be an obstacle."

"You're not an obstacle Luna, you're a distraction!" She distracted him from his thoughts, all the pain he had gone through, only she could make it all fade away with something as simple as a smile.

"Great, even better."

"No, no, a good distraction! I'm sorry. Again." She looked at him and turned away, walking as she spoke.

"Goodbye. If fate destines it, we'll cross paths again. I'll try my best not to hurt or kill you, if or when that time comes. And if we never meet again, well, I'll manage. I'm a lone wolf, anyway. Later, Garcìa." She heard should of Happy New Year as she trudged back to her cold, empty apartment. Home sweet home. And then she got hit by a car that was moving in her direction. He took her to the hospital immediately and the doctor told him that her head had been damaged so she had amnesia. She wouldn't remember anything. He considered staying but the shame and guilt made him turn away and leave her there.

"Till we meet again."

"I went home to drown my sorrows in water, bubbly like water. Since you were my last hope, I just kinda stuck with robbing. Only thing I've ever been good at, really." She looked at him, her eyes wide and unsure of what to say. Tico swallowed and rubbed his neck.

"And I... I went home with that girl. The girl in the green dress. Haha, whoops." He inhaled and exhaled, feeling heat rush into his face just thinking about her. Isa's face flushed and before she could stop herself, she spoke.

"... I was that girl." He froze and looked at her, his eyes wild. It couldn't be. After all those years, dreaming of her, longing for her touch...

"What did you say?"



"Tico?" He stood up and walked over to her, barely noticing the fangirl squeals from Backpack and Benny growling in the background, being held back by Luna and Swiper. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her. The urge to kiss her was strong but she was a married woman and it was against his principles. He kissed her forehead, smiling at how hard she was blushing.

"You are, by far the most attractive woman I have ever seen or met." She squeaked and hid her face but he pulled her hands apart, staring at her. She was beautiful, she had always been. But the fact that he had seen her body in all its glory, it made his heart race.

"Th-thanks, Tic Tac-"

'I mean it. I wanted to say it then but the words wouldn't form in my throat. Can't tell you how glad I am to finally say it to you." He leaned closer and whispered, "I really, really want to kiss you. Too bad you're married though, or we would be having a part two of that night right now."

"Gosh, I would love that." She loved how dark his voice got as he spoke. Her eyes sparkled with mischief for a moment before she pushed the naughty idea from her mind.

"Time to go, I think we're gonna leave you two here to catch up." Tico nodded quietly, a grin on his face before he remembered something. Camilla. It had happened six years prior and she was...

"How old is Camilla?" Isa blinked and kept quiet. Man, she knew this would happen. She shouldn't have said anything. All the love she saw in his eyes would be replaced by hate and disgust in seconds, she feared it. "Why are there purple streaks at the roots of her hair? Isa, I am not going to yell, just answer, please?"

"I... She dyes her hair brown. H-her real hair is purple. Like yours." He sat down and swallowed. So it was true. Camilla wasn't Benny's child, she was his. It didn't give Benny a right to hurt her, though. Isa stared at him, her eyes filled with fear. Fear that she would lose him, again. He glanced at her and smiled a little before walking over to Benny. He grabbed him by his shirt and punched him. A black eye began to form on the left side of his face.

"That was for hurting my family." The rest nodded in approval. Benny was about to throw a punch back, but they grabbed him and threw him into the anime portal.

"Bye guys. Good luck," Isa whispered. Tico grabbed her hand amd smiled at her before waving at the rest of them. They jumped in one by one, ready for the fight.

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