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"Rose. Here's some money. I need you to go get some milk." My Dad says quickly as he shoves a ten into my hand.

I glance at the clock as I shove the crumpled bill into my coat pocket. It's currently 9 at night. Why do we need milk now? I don't argue though. I'm just glad to get out of the house. Well apartment.

"Okay. I'll be right back." I wave to my dad as I swing our door open. Of course I don't have a car so I have to walk to the store.

As soon as I step out of the apartment building my breath swirls out in front of me. I shove my hands deeper into my pockets and sigh.

Thankfully the stores only a couple blocks away. I keep my head down as I walk.

It's dark and of course this side of town isn't the prettiest. All I'm worried about is getting there quickly.

I let out a big breath as I approach the small store. As I swing the door open the small bell above my head rings signaling they have a customer.

"Hey Rose." The clerk smiles at me. "Hey Jon." I wave. If you couldn't tell, I come here often.

I make my way straight to the back we're the milk is. I grab the carton and make my way towards the register but I stop in middle of the small aisle. The Spree candy sits screaming at me. Every time I come here I buy some. I guess it's one of my simple pleasures.

I sigh as I pick it up and head to the register with the Sprees and milk in hand.

"The usual Sprees I see." Jon smiles. "You know me so well." I chuckle.

"That'll be $6.57." He smiles. I hand him the worn down ten and he gives me back then change with a smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He shouts at me as I swing the door open. "See ya tomorrow!" I laugh as I step back out into the bitter cold.


"See ya tomorrow!" I hear a small voice shout from across the street making me jump. Ethan wasn't joking about this side of town being scary but I was sick and tired of taking the same route every time I went for a late night run.

The small girl looks familiar. I think I know her from school. Now that I think about it I've never heard her talk or seen her talk to anyone.

I slow down my run as I watch her. She opens a pack of what looks to be Sprees. Who in the world eats Sprees?

She pops a couple in her mouth as her breath continues to leave smoke in the air. What's she doing out so late?

Soon enough she disappears into a run down building. Tons of commotion comes from one of the apartments causing me to tense up but she seems unfazed.

I shake my head and speed my run back up. I need to get out of here.


I swing the apartment door open and stop dead in my tracks, dropping my milk and candy. "Give me the money!" A man shouts at my father with a gun pointed directly at his head.

I can't move. I don't know what to do. My heart bangs against my chest.  "Rose! Go!" My Dad shouts. I don't hesitate I turn and run.

I don't realize I'm crying until it feels like there's ice frozen on my face from running out in the cold.

I don't even know where to go. I don't even know what to do. I just run.

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