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   2017 was definitely not my best year. I had many ups and downs, highs and lows, good things and bad things, and although I'd love to focus solely on the good things, I cannot be bothered to go into a long discussion of "how great life is" and how "there's so much to look forward to." Sure, I know there is, but I feel as though everyone tries to ignore the bad. I refuse to be one of those people. So here it goes.

   I started out my year pretty well. I was with some friends & family, laughing and having a good time. But good times don't always last, and I was in for a rude awakening. It was later into the year that the secret I'd kept since I was 7 years old finally came out and let me tell you - it was emotionally scarring. All this hurt that I'd managed to keep a secret for almost a decade had finally came out. It was heartbreaking, honestly. To see my parents in the state they were in... it broke me. You know what else broke? My family. Yup, that's right. Me; a sixteen year old girl, whose only power were her words, was able to break a family by making a mistake and spilling the truth. That same sixteen year old girl regrets parts of it to this day. And I can't stop thinking about her. That poor litrle girl. I am so.. so sorry.

   So 2017 was not kind to me, not in the slightest, but it has made me stronger. So in some sick, twisted way I'd have to thank 2017 for the damage it has caused. "So plant trees and for better or worse something will grow. Set fires and for better or worse something will burn."

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