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Hadley and Will stared up at the gigantic white stone wall, and it slowly set in that Hadley had no idea what to do next. 

What had she been thinking, coming here with no plan, no weapons, and Powers that could hardly be considered useful in this situation. They could hardly just bust into the jail and demand that Althea be let out. In the best case scenario, they'd get thrown back out on the street, and in the worst case, they'd end up in that cell right next to her. 

Hadley frowned up at the gate, thinking furiously.

"So....what now?" Will looked at her expectantly.


"You don't have a plan?" Will sounded surprised. "Why did we come here Hadley? I didn't think you would trek us all the way across town so we could stare up at the jail gate helplessly."

Hadley was defensive, "I have a plan!" she announced saltily. 

"Oh yeah?" Will retorted, "Well what is it then? Let's hear it."

"I...uh..." Hadley looked around desperately for something to latch onto. She saw a few wooden barrels stacked in the back of a nearby alleyway. "A distraction!" she blurted out.

"What?" Will stared at her in surprise and confusion. 

"We're going to create a distraction." Hadley said more confidently, "But first, we're going to use my Power."

Hadley crossed the street back away from the wall, walking down the alleyway. As she walked, she pictured her loose plan in her head, and forced herself to believe in it, since it was all she could think of. 

They'd go into the jail to visit Althea. Surely, visitors were allowed. While inside, she'd use Will's fire power to light something critical on fire. Will had good control over his power. He could use it from a distance. Before the guards could figure out who had started the fire, Hadley and Will would use the distraction to slip away from whatever escort they were with. 

From there, they'd have to wing it, but before they began, Hadley needed to know that part 1 at least, would work. 

Sitting on the ground, her back against a dirty stone building, Hadley closed her eyes.

"What are you doing?" asked Will, but Hadley held up her hand to stop him. 

She drew her Power up, out of her ribcage where she normally suppressed it. She let it permeate her brain, let it go wild. Within seconds, she was transported somewhere else. Somewhere in the future.

Hadley stood in the middle of a large room she'd never seen before. There were only a few other people in the room, all of whom looked grim. At the front of the room, sat a young lady behind a desk, clicking away importantly on a keyboard. 

Letting the vision consumer her, Hadley watched their future with attention.

Two hours later, Hadley again stood in the large room, but this time she and Will were physically in the room, in the present.

"Visiting hours begin in thirty five minutes." The girl at the front desk looked bored out of her mind as she handed Hadley and Will a sign in sheet.

'A sign in sheet?' Hadley thought to herself as she picked up the pen. It seemed so archaic. Considering what they were planning, Hadley had expected much higher security in the prison. But she supposed that with all the Powers protecting the prison, they didn't need any more security than they already had.

Hadley scribbled down "Harriet Monoly" In illegible handwriting and watched Will make up a name beneath hers. Then they sat on the benches and waited. And waited.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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