Chapter Two

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A/n I seriously have problems. It's 2:07 am as I am writing this. It is most likely going to suck because of my lack of sleep but whatever. Okay, in to the story!

Chapter Two

Are you sure you can carry out this mission? She asks me in my head with concern.

What choose do I have? I ask as we exit the castle of lions into the heat of battle. I servey my surroundings and see everyone struggling slightly as they fight off the Galrans as they attack the ship.

I jump into the fight and take out several ships in the first five seconds.

A while later I take a glance around to make sure no one is in immediate danger. The last person I check is Keith.

I look over to see Keith's lion being helplessly sucked into one of the largest ships.

"Guys! Keith is getting taken! We need to help him!" I yell into my helmet as I start racing towards his lion.

"Yeah that would be nice." I hear Keith's strained, sarcastic voice say as I get closer.

Im the first to go to Keith's aid as he is almost beyond help. As a last resort I smash my lion into his and feel mine take his place last minute.

"Guys, I think I'm screwed." I say just before my lion is sucked into the ship.

"Lance what's wrong? Where are you?" I hear Shiro yell in my helmet. I don't respond for a few seconds listening to them trying to get inside Blue.

"I got sucked into one of the main ships, they don't seem to be able to get into Blue though." I whisper taking out my Bayard, getting ready for a fight I will most likely lose.

I spoke to soon, they brake open blue and start cautiously entering blue.

I aim my weapon at the only opening as the footsteps grow closer to my position behind my chair. As I see the first Galra enter I start firing.

After a long fight I am cornered without my weapon and am just throwing punches and swinging a spare knife around that I keep hidden for this purpose.

"Stand down, men." I hear a commanding voice yell at them as they step back to reveal a purple skinned human-like man with well taken care of long, white hair.

"Hello, Lance. It is lance right? The Paladin of the Blue Lion." He says with a sarcastic smile.

"Yeah, who the fuck are you?" I hiss, angrily.

He looks slightly confused, but his confusion quickly is replaced by that annoying smirk.

"I can't decide if your stupid or just suicidally brave." He says, mockingly tapping his chin in thought.

"I would like to think that brave and stupid are the same thing." I say sarcastically, a smirk crossing my face.

"I would beg to differ." He says just before my world goes black.

****With the other Paladins*******

Keith exited his lion into the cold area of the Red Lions Hanger. (I think that's what it's called.) He slowly, saddly walks down the now gloomy, but brightly lit hallways. All he can here are the desperate screams of Lance trying to save himself.

During the battle Keith tried his best to get past that ships defences to save Lance, but without the help of his fellow Paladins, he was unable to make it inside.

Keith walked into the control room, not noticing all the worried glances he is getting from his other team mates. Hunk nervously started rambling on about random things to try and keep his mind off of what just happened as Pidge got straight to work on finding a way to track the movements of Lances kidnappers. Keith watches as Shiro stands up and walks over by Allura to face the Paladins.

"Okay team, as we all know, Lance has been taken captive by the Galran Empire." Shiro says keeping most emotion out of his voice, but Keith sees right through the calm exterior and easily notices Shiros anxiety towards the situation.

"And we will try our best to get him back right? Right?!" Hunk says looking terrified of the things that could be happening to Lance this very moment.

"Yes, but we have to go about this cautiously, calmly, and, of course, intelligently." Allura answers a small tear trailing down her face.

"But there is also a chance that we will never be able to get him back-" Shiro says before he is interrupted by Keith.

"We are getting him back, no matter what happens, he will get back safely on this ship." Keith says angrily before Shiro shoots him a glare to shut him up.

"But we must also keep in mind the possibility that we might have to get a new Paladin for the Blue lion." Allura says.

"No! We can't just give up on him! He's family, and you can't just give up on family!" Keith yells before storming out angrily.

"The only way we will give up on him is if he is dead, and even then we will make sure he didn't die in vain." Shiro says obviously angry at himself for not watching over his team better.

"We are not giving up on Lance." Shiro says with a fierce, determined look in his eyes.

******Back with Lancey Lance******

I wake up in a cold, black room with hardly any lighting.

I slowly look around through my hazy vision and see that I'm in high tech thing that resembles a cot. I look closer and see I'm restrained to the bed like in a hospital.

Startled, I quickly look up to see someone looking through a forcefield-seethrough like wall. As I see the purple Altean looking face of my captive the events of earlier came flooding back to me.

"You never answered my question on who you are." I say trying to struggle out of the seeming to be invincible hold against my weak arms.

"Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Prince Lotor of the Galran Empire, son of Zarcon." He says as he gives me a mock bow and smirks at me.

"One more slight question, why is this prison so different?" I ask still confused on where I am.

"Oh my darling Blue, this is not a prison, it is a holding cell on my ship. You see, my little diamond, you are only a pawn in a much larger game I am playing here. You might be one of the more bigger, and pretty might I add, pawns, but only a pawn.

Was he flirting with me?! I think, horrified of what is happening.

I knew I shouldn't have asked...

But the curiosity was killing me.

"What game?" I ask him glaring at him, daring him to hurt my friends.

"Oh, you will see in time my precious jewel, you will see in time." He says with an evil smile cutting across his face as he turns and walks away, ignoring my loud screams and curses I throw at him.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I think just before a bolt of purple electricity zaps through my restraints and the pain makes it to hard to think.


A/n Wassup!! It doesn't completely suck but it still sucks. But yeah. Lotor is a weird insane person kind of like Jim Moriarty in the tv show Sherlock. As you can see I have been watching Sherlock...

Anyways, enjoy this crappy book!

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