Chapter 10 (Wow)

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I am so happy, thanks for all the views! love you all!

Lance POV

We watched as Haggar's sector of the empire starts to surround us. Our monitors are freaking out, alerting us of target lock and damage, as well as Ion Canons getting ready to fire on us.

"Lance, what is our damage status?" Lotor yells over the sound of battle.

"First generator is down, getting ready to activate next two generators. Permission to activate the Inter dimensional Meteor ship Martha." I yell, catching the attention of everyone.

"Lance, those havent even been tested-" Zethrid says as she is cut off by Lotor.

"Permission granted, General Lance. Ezor, contact Voltron, tell them we are in need of their assistance." 

"But sir, that is ill advised, The ship hasnt been tested and could malfunction." Acxa says, her eyes bugging  out of her sockets.

"I guess, this is the best time to find out. General Lance, head to Martha, Ezor, cover his station." He says, as the ship gets rocked by another hit to our shields from an Ion Canon.

I start running to the hidden space warship. I finally get to the ship, I activate my ear piece and hop right in. I check the charge and the go through the basic procedures to start up the ship.

"Martha is a go. Permission to launch?" I ask through basic procedure, even though I know his answer.

"Get out there, Lance. Make me proud." He says as a huge smirk goes across  my face. Time to smash some faces in.

I feel weightless fro just a few seconds as my ship is shot into space. I feel around the controls before I turned on Alec Benjamin, for some reason it helps me focus, and shot off at faster speeds than any ship I have ever been in besides the red lion. I feel time leave my mind as all I am thinking of is battle procedures. I feel most of the shots not harm the ship, even if they get a direct hit past the over powered shield. Soon I see flashes of color, Voltron lions. I see all but the Black and red lion. I yelp, as i get shot by an Ion canon during my slight distraction, and continue to attack the Galran cruisers. (dont judge me, its late at night for me.)

Where the hell are Keith and Shiro?

*POV Change To Keith*

We are on our way to a distress call from Prince Lotion. 

"Keith, when you get there, lure The Champion onto the ship and leave him there." I hear her say to me as my eyes bug out for a second before I nod and go for a neutral expression as I glance at shiro on the other side of the room next to Allura. If I want to win over Lances heart, this is one of the risks I have too take. I love Shiro as a brother, but I need Lance too love me. (dude, have you ever heard of brothers before bitches?)

"Shiro, we should sneak onto the other ship and free prisoners and get information. He did say its Haggars ships." I say as he nods and agrees with me and gives me some compliments. I am so very sorry Shiro. I hope you can forgive me some day.

We finally reach them in time to see a very powerful looking ship shoot out of Lotor's ship, piloted by the one and only Lance Mcclain. To your Lions, Keith and Shiro, use the cloaking and hijack the one on the outside, closest to us. we both nod as we run to our designated lions. 

I feel Red growl in disapproval but lets me in anyways. I activate the new feature, cloaking, and shoot off after Shiro, who had a head start.

"C'mon slow poke, catch up!" He says playfully as we reach the Galran ship. We shoot ourselves out of the lion and he activates his arm to cut a hole in the ship. I watch, trying to numb all of my feelings and thoughts down. This is something that is needed. I must do this. He gives me a reassuring smile just before he enters. I watch him slowly start disappearing. I follow him in to make sure I lure him to the right places.

I gesture for him to follow me as I run towards the rigged hallway, she said that there would be an escape for me to go back to voltron, Only one person leaves. The other must stay. I just have to get there.

"Your right outside the door. Open it." She says as we get near a door. he gestures towards it and I nod, he places his arm on the scanner and the doors slide open and we both walk in, it slams shut and soldiers rush out and point their weapons at us.

"Hello Keith, One stays one leaves. Who will it be Keith?" Haggar says as she approaches us.

POV Change to Lance

Lance, they have seized fire, find out the cause." Lotor says calmly, slight nervousness in his voice.

I hack into the cameras in the odd calm on the battle field. I switch around until I found something out of the ordinary. My heart jumps out of my chest as I see that Keith and Shiro are trapped, being offered a deal.

"Lotor, they have what they want, Shiro and Keith are trapped, sir." I say as we all freeze and I send them the video feed to watch with me.

POV Change to Keith

"Keith go, I can handle myself." He says as he activates his arm. I glance at safety, then back at Shiro. I start to slowly walk towards it. This is the stuff that will bring Lance back too me. I need him. I continue to walk as a painful, guilty feeling shoots through me, more intense with each step I take. I reach the small Galran ship, and hesitate as I stare at my possible freedom. I glance back at Shiro deperately fighting against the thousands of soldiers. I keep glancing between them till I make the most stupidest decision I have ever made. I roll my eyes, no person I will ever meet will be more important than My family. I swiftly turn around and run forward.

"Wait, You said one leaves, I will stay and he can leave right?" I yell at her as I stop halfway, I might as well fix what I have done.

"Yes, we can use You for what we are planning. Is that your choice?" She asks. I glance between the badly injured Shiro, who is screaming at me to save myself, and freedom.

"Yes, that is my decision. Take me." (hehe kinky)

"Okay, come here Keith Kogane."



Im so sorry, please dont kill me.

heres a chapter for ya'll lovely readers.


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