Worst Or Best Day?

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Korean dictionary:

Chingu = Friend.

Hyung = The word is literally translated as "older brother." It can be used to refer to older male relatives like a cousins, or just a close friends as well.

Enjoy reading, cupcakes!


The next morning Jiyong was gone before any of the other had even opened an eye. The house was quiet until the peace broke by Taemin's laughter. It was Minho there was running down the stairs, giving Taemin a piggyback ride.

Seunghyun found the emptiness bitter when he awoke the next morning. Jobs... Taking away his Jiyong from him. He sat up with a sigh, and headed down the stairs.

Meanwhile the coffee shop Jiyong was working on was filled up with people in every corner. The doorbell rang every half minute as more people were entering the cafe. It was a busy day and Jiyong ran to clean tables AND take orders.

"Who is supposed to work with me today?" The employee asked his boss.

"You have to work alone; Min-ah and Kim Jong have a day off."

Jiyong looked shocked at him, waiting for him to tell it was a joke... But it wasn't. The young boy actually had to do everything on his own.


Seunghyun decided to skip making his own coffee and headed to the cafe after quickly slipping some clothes on. As he arrived, he watched as people flooded in, and others poured out. He blanked a few times, forcing his way into the shop and looking around, searching for the face he cherished more than anything.

Jiyong and his boss were standing behind the disk as they were discussing the young boys work.

"How is that affecting my working skills? I've been here for years." Jiyong said annoyed, still keeping a respectful voice towards his boss.

"I just don't think it's a good idea since he's a daily costumer and people who come here every day know you. You are the familiar face of this place and people respect you."

The young employee was now getting more and more annoyed, as he totally cut of all the attention to the costumers to gain his boss full attention.

“How dare you to talk about respect.” Jiyong snapped.

It didn't take long for the argument between the two workers to turn into a fight, as costumers began to look.

Seunghyun politely pushed his way through the customers to catch a glance at the totally dissatisfied Jiyong... And his boss. He blinked a few times in question. His mind was rushing right now. He wasn't sure if he should step in to the issue or just simply watch. All he knew is that if he witnessed any disrespect directed towards Jiyong, there would be a scene to be caused.

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