Chapter 12

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Craig's POV:

After Brian left, we decided that we'll have a little sleepover. I was with Tyler in our bedroom, Brock and Marcel in Marcel's bedroom and the others in living room. In the morning I woke up, having Tyler's arm around my waist. He was adorable. I tried to not wake him up and got to the living room. I looked at the couch, seeing David and Lui cuddling in their sleep and Jon on the ground snorting. As I looked around the house, I didn't find Brian. He said, that he would be back in few minutes, so that was weird to me. 'Maybe he just wanted to sleep on his own..' I thought.

Time skip..

Everyone was awake now. I prepared breakfast for everybody and went to the living room to eat. ,,So.. Where's Brian?'' Marcel asked. ,,I think he wanted to be alone for at least one night. He didn't get one good sleep since Esai got Evan..'' I said. ,,Well, speaking of that, what are we going to do?'' Brock asked. ,,That's simple. Delilah knows, where the palace is, so I say we go to Delilah and fuckin' kick the shit out off Esai and save Evan!'' Tyler yelled and got up. ,,Get your stuff and let's go..''

We got up and picked up our bags and went outside. When were going to pick Brian up, Jon froze. ,,Delirious..?'' Lui said and tried to shake him a little bit. ,,W-what?!'' Jon snapped and pointed his finger at Brian's cottage. We all looked, where Jon was pointing. Someone was laying on the ground close to the doors. ,,Who the-?! Evan?!'' Marcel's eyes widened and ran up to Evan's body. ,,What?! Evan!! Is he ok?!'' I yelled as I got to him. Marcel checked his breathing and his pulse. ,,H-he's breathing, but his pulse is so slow.. We have to get him inside!'' Marcel picked Evan up bridal style and kicked the door open. He went to the living room, slowly put Evan down on the couch and covered him in a blanket. ,,Go find Brian!'' Brock said as he tried to wake Evan up. Everyone spread out and tried to find Brian. ,,Brian? BRIAN!'' I opened the doors to bedroom. No one! Tyler checked the bathroom. No one! He was nowhere to find. ,,Did you find him in the kitchen?'' I asked David and Lui. ,,Nope.. what about the bedroom?'' ,,Nothing! He's just not here..'' I said.

We all gathered around Evan. He was moving a little bit but not that much. ,,He's so cold.. he had to been laying outside for hours!'' Brock sadly said, checking Ev's temperature. ,,B-Brian..'' Evan mumbled in his sleep. I gasped and tried to wake him up again. ,,Evan! Can you hear us?'' He moved around a little bit and then opened his eyes. ,,Evan!'' We all gladly yelled. ,,Oh my God, I thought, that Esai won't let you go!'' Lui chuckled and hugged Evan. He was still confused. ,,Evan, where's Brian?'' Marcel asked. Evan narrowed his eyebrows and looked down. ,,He.. he came to save me..'' ,,He what?!'' I gasped. ,,He came to save you by himself?!'' David snapped. ,,Well yeah.. But.. Esai got into our way and he.. he took Brian away from me..'' Evan started tearing up a little but he didn't cry. Brock sat next to him and pat his shoulder. ,,But that's not everything. Esai wants to use Brian as a weapon, or some shit..'' Nobody had an idea, what was he talking about. ,,And.. Brian stayed.'' Evan said as a tear rolled down his cheek. ,,Oh no..'' I mumbled for myself. ,,We HAVE TO go to Delilah now! There's no choice!'' Jon said and got on his bag. ,,He's right.. Evan, do you think, that you can walk on your own?'' Marcel asked. Evan nodded and stood up. He had bruises on his arm and looked like he haven't slept in days. ,,Let's go!''

In the arena..

,,Delilah?'' Brock yelled. She was nowhere. All I remembered was, that she was going to meditate somewhere. ,,Isn't she meditating?-'' ,,Hello.'' We turned around and saw her. She looked upset. ,,Delilah, we got someone to show you..'' I said and let Evan go to her. ,,Evan?! So he did it!'' She happily said. ,,Who did what?'' Tyler asked. Delilah narrowed her eyebrows. ,,Um.. I was the one, who made the portal..'' Delilah said and looked away. ,,What? Why?'' ,,Brian said, that you all wanted to go. I made a portal, but all of my energy was waisted and I passed out.. So I think, he went through the portal.. Tell me, Evan. Did Esai said anything?'' Evan nodded and started talking. ,,Yeah.. When he stopped us from getting away, I tried to use my power, but I couldn't. He than said something about a weapon or something.. I-I don't remember.. just.. Brian's gone..'' Evan was so upset. Delilah tried to think of something. ,,Maybe Esai wanted someone to help him in the final battle.. Have you trained on your powers?'' We all nodded. ,,We did. After what Esai did to Evan, we all built up our power strength.'' Lui said.
,,At least you trained.. We can go plan something, so we can save Bri-?!'' A giant wave of light cut Delilah off. The wind was stronger, than ever and now it wasn't because of my power.. ,,What the?!'' Jon yelled as we barely could stand on our feet. A big light object appeared in front of us. The wind then stopped and everything was calm. In the weird ass light thing was someone's figure. It was stepping out of the thing. We all stayed silent and just watched the person come near us. We still couldn't see their face though. The light than disappeared and we finally saw the person's face.

,,BRIAN?!?!?'' Evan yelled as he ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Brian hugged Evan back. ,,What the fuck is going on?!'' Tyler yelled. We came up to Brian, who was still hugging Evan. They pulled away and happily looked at each other. ,,What just happened?! I mean.. It's great to see you man!'' Brock chuckled and gave Brian a hug. We all then group hugged him and asked him again.. ,,Wha- How did you.. what?'' I asked confusingly. ,,Well.. Esai DID locked me in one of his prison cell's, but I got out! That motherfucker didn't even know!'' Brian laughed and wrapped his arm around Evan's waist. It was great seeing them being happy together. Only Delilah was silent. She looked like something was off for her. ,,But.. How did you get the portal open? Well.. that does not matter right now, I guess.'' She chuckled. ,,Welcome back, Brian.''

Here it is boiz!!! (Sorry I did not just assumed your gender)
Well anyway I didn't like seeing Ev and Brian separated so here ya go!!! Sorry for the late update. I'm learning for the tests so I could get on high school T-T I luv u guys!! Buh-Bye! <3

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