Chapter 17

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Evan's POV:

,,So like.. Should we find her somewhere?" David asked. ,,But how?" Brock answered with another question. ,,I don't know. How do you call a goddess?" There was a short silence, when suddenly a woman's voice spoke up. ,,Did you mean.. Call me?" We all turned around and saw a weird light and in that light stood someone. ,,What the-?!" ,,Who the fuck are you?!" We all snapped at that weird lady, that was just standing there, looking at us. ,,Very interesting choice of language, I would say...'' She sarcasticly said and cleared her throat. ,,My name is Elpis. I am the goddess of hope and if you are wondering, why am I here, you should ask Delilah later. Delilah called me here on planet Earth, to help her. She said, that she was in danger, so of course I wanted to help.'' Elpis looked at unconscious Delilah and sadly sighed.

,,Azazel was the one, who did this to her, correct?" Elpis asked us. None of us had been answering for a second there, because we had no clue, how did we get into that moment, where we were talking to another fucking goddess. It was awesome, but... weird. After few seconds, Craig cleared his throat and started talking to Elpis. ,,Erm... Y-Yes. It was Azazel. We found her in the woods, near by the.. um.. training arena.'' Elpis nodded. ,,So like... Are you here to help us with the Esai and Delilah situation, orrr..?" Marcel said, scratching the back of his neck. ,,Well kind of. My power is to heal other's ripped souls and get them back together. Delilah's soul has been ripped to few pieces and without me... She can disappear from the entire world forever.''

We stood there in shock. Delilah was the one, who helped us with everything, learned us how to use our powers and prepared us for the fight with Esai. We even all build a relationship with her. It was hard to watch her just lay on the couch all beaten up...

,,The plan is, while I am going to heal Delilah, you are going to go to The Dark Palace and take Brian back.'' ,,What?!" We all said in sync. Nobody was prepared to go there and after Brian saved me from that horrible place, everyone was scared to even talk about the Dark Palace. ,,Are you crazy? We have no chance of getting Brian without being cought.'' Tyler said. ,,Yes we do, Tyler. I've been there.. I know how it looks like in that stupid Palace.''

,,And that doesn't end. I will send there my dear friend of mine. The goddess Afrodith. She is really good at seducing others and I am sure, that she will help you distract Esai, so you can bring your friend back.'' We all got excited - especially me. It sounded like a good plan. ,,Oh, and Evan?" Elpis looked at me. ,,Uh, yes?" ,, Would you please stay here with me and Delilah? I need you to be my assistant. Delilah told me about you. She said that you are great at listening and helping others. Will you help me heal her?" Everyone looked at me. I really wanted to help the guys save Brian and it was hard for me to say 'Yes'. ,,Um.. O-Ok. Guys, are you ok with that?"

,,Are you retarded? Of course we're ok with that!" Tyler chuckled. ,,And don't worry, we'll bring him back.'' Lui said and smiled. I smiled back and listened to Elpis. ,,Great! We should go to the arena now and create a portal. I gave Delilah some books about portals, so she should have something.'' ,,Yeah! Brian told me about the books in my dream. They should be somewhere in Delilah's room or something..'' I said. ,,Good to know. Now let's go.'' Elpis said and sent us to the arena.

Time skip...

We were in Delilah's room, looking for the books, that should tell us something about the stupid portals. In like a blink of an eye, Elpis found something. ,,Here it is! Now.. My friend Afrodith is already at the Dark Palace trying to seduce Esai, so we need to be quick! I'll try to read the spell for the portal, to open and when I do, jump in there as fast as you can. I wish you all luck. Delilah and I believe in you all.'' Elpis said and started reading the spell.

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