36. Crossroads

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At every juncture you reach in life,
In front of you will lie a crossroad-
To do what's right or to do what's easy?
The question the key to what's to be tackled.

Is right easy and is easy right?
The two related as day yet different as night,
For neither guarantees the tryst of the other
Yet walks branched side by side.

Frequently you'll find yourself
Heading down a path often travelled,
For familiarity brews a sense of security,
The easier path always the first option.

If only you understand the trick-
That access to the key is seldom easy,
Your feet will choose the path less travelled,
The dust upon which would finally be free.

A path so full of trials,
Giving up is always the next best option,
But life upholds you to a higher standard,
The key to this struggle only to tire.

A crossroad with no signs above,
Your choice marking another turn in life,
Every decision creates a set of dominoes
That may very well fall at its might.

So at every juncture you reach in life
Stop for a moment and decide,
Where does this crossroad take you-
Along a path that's easy or a path simply right?

Difficult will be the choice,
Trying the quest for the key,
The answer always lies with you though
At every crossroad that you see.

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