58. The Calm Before The Storm

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Every time you sense a storm,
You shut your windows to its might,
Knowing that it's to spoil your tranquil;
Your equilibrium with its plight.

Fooled often are the ignorant,
Who mistake the warning for a calm,
Delude themselves they do so callously,
Hoping for their positivity to work like a charm.

But why fear the unknown,
When it leads you to the known?
Keep the windows upon for once,
And understand what's trying to be shown.

Escape you try from uncertainty,
Trying to find answers with no sensibility,
If only you stopped kidding yourself
Would you realize what's the impending calamity.

Take a moment to understand,
That running away would not take you far,
Face you would have to do reality eventually,
When you return back with scars.

So why fear the calm,
When it's clearly meant to empower,
Stop worrying about failing,
By piling fears up upon a tower.

Start opening your windows,
And let the storm head inside,
Stand your ground and face it headfirst
Rather than slither and hide.

You won't know your strength
Until your beliefs you decide,
Whether to accept responsibility and say yes,
Or stick your nose up in pride.

No storm is meant to frighten,
If you know where you are to ultimately be,
A legacy in this world, afterall,
Giving in to something greater than thee.

So every time you sense a storm,
Let the windows simply be,
It'll pass and go like it always does,
While you emerge better than your previous being.

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