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"The Beast"


It was dark. The sky was clear and the moon was full, casting its own glow below it.

The trees stood tall. Who couldn't love it?

No one except for the man who stood behind the tree, his heart beating out of his chest. He was getting too old for this.

He knew he should've moved when his wife suggested it to him. But he didn't. He wanted to stay in the town that raised him. The town that made him the old crinkled man he was today.

He placed his hand on his heart trying his best to silence it.

The beast could hear it.

The man head turned to the left as a pair of yellow eyes watched him in the shadow. He stepped back from the tree, his hands up in surrender.

But the beast ignored it. He stepped forward, his big body hitting the trees around him. His mouth opened showing his unbelievable sharp carnies.

The old man stepped back and the beast growled at him daring him to take another step.

The beast stalked to the man like a predator hunting its prey. He's huge body bigger and blacker than anything the old man had seen.

"Please." The old man begged. "Show me mercy, I have a family." He had to get out of this to return back to his wife. To tell her he loved her because he couldn't remember the last time he told her.

The beast lips curved as if he was laughing at the scared man.

"I show no mercy." His voice was deep and it rumbled through the forest, shaking the trees and scaring the birds.

The beast pranced on the man biting hard onto his neck causing it to snap but he didn't stop there. He let go of the man and bit into his stomach tearing a hole through it.

The scarlet liquid flooded from the man, staining the forest ground with its color.

The next day, His wife sat in her chair sipping her coffee when she heard a knock on the door. It made her jump at first, but then a smile danced on her lips. She slowly sat her cup down and walked to the door, hoping to see her husband.

But when she opened the door it was anything but.

Three tall men stood on her porch. Their black suits identical to each other. The one in the middle held his hat in his hands, his blue eyes piercing through the old lady as if she wasn't there.

"Detective Michael, what is it?" The old lady crossed her arms wanting to know the meaning behind the visit.

Detective Michael shook his head before he opened his mouth, "Mrs. Marc, a body was found in the woods not too far from here."

Before he could finish, Mrs.Marc told him to stop. "Your lying." But she knew he wasn't.  She had felt it last night. It woke her out of her sleep and her heart twisted with fear.

The detective swallowed a lump in his throat before he could continue. "The time of death was approximately 2:30 a.m this morning. Lost to an animal attack."

The old lady couldn't hear the rest as she slid to the floor of her house and cried to herself.

Her husband was gone.

"I'm sorry for your lost." The detective said as he watched her fall apart in front of him.

He stepped back off her porch and looked at the men beside him. "Watch her. Make sure she is okay."

Detective Michael walked to his car and drove off. He had a bone to pick with the owner of the forest.


"Explain your reason for being on my land," Amen spoke, his voice holding nothing but power.

"A murder was carried out here." The detective looked at the powerful man and his soldiers that stood behind him. "His body drained of blood."

A few gasps came from the crowd that watched.

"You come here to accuse my son of murder, Detective Michael?" The big man asked his anger rolling off him in waves.

The detective shook his head. "I just want to talk to him, David."

David looked at him, sizing him up before he spoke, "Go get Nathan. " One of his soldiers scurried off into the woods.

"You said animal attack?" David asked. Detective Michael nodded. "You found prints?"

"Wolf prints."

The blonde soldier marched back to the field with a little boy in tow. "I have brought him, alpha." He bowed his respect and returned back to his position, leaving the little boy.

Alpha David pushed his son towards the detective. "Shift." He commanded.

Michael shook his head. "That is not necessary. I just need-"

David cut him off holding up his finger. "No. Watch. I said shift son."

The little boy looked at his father before he glazed at the ground in shame. "I can't. " He spoke his voice gentle.

His father laughed. "You see that. The little mutt can't shift. So how did he leave wolf prints in the woods?"

The detective looked at the boy. "Has he developed his cravings yet?" He asked.

"His just like his mother," David spoke with disgust.

Michael bites his jaw. "I apologize then." He backed way ready to leave but David stopped him.

"If you ever come back on my land accusing my pack again, I will have you stripped of your title." He riled.

"I was just doing my job, helping my city."

The Alpha turned angry. "Your job is to protect and serve us not some filthy human who broke his neck. You were a protector before you were a cop."

Michael looked at him and bowed his head. "Again, I apologize."


[ Unedited ]

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