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I followed a few feet behind Byran, not really sure the purpose of him calling me out here. I sadly remembered him commanding we could only talk if it was "Serious". My heart sunk a little at the harsh memory. How could something be more serious then what the Gods had given us?

I could sense the determination on him or maybe it was just a strong command. One which made him come all the way out to talk to me, it had to be important.

Byran stopped in the practice field not too far out from the school and faced me. His body was tense and his mouth was set into a thin line.

"I am here because of orders," He started setting a boundary for our conversation, "Use your title."

I moved my hair out my face as I stared at him, trying to clear my mind from any distracting thoughts.

"What is this about then?" I questioned.

His eyes sized me up as soon as the attitude left my mouth. I could tell he so badly wanted to correct me. To put me in my place and only God knew I wanted that too. I couldn't help the smile spreading on my face as I hoped he would.

He glared at me before continuing, "You need to kill her."

The smile I was holding fell and I stood confused. It was obvious who he was referring to but why? It was her first day and she was already on a kill list? I had just met her a few hours ago and weirdly enough the thought of her death made me angry.

"I can't do that."

Bryan jaws clenched together tightly and he shook his head, "You have no choice."

"I have a choice and It's no," I argued angrily. It was hard to tell where all of this indignation was coming from, but it wasn't going to stop. I could fell it rising and I have never felt so angry.

"She's dangerous. The feeling your feeling right now is fake. She's doing this to you and your an idiot for falling for it." He spat returning my temper.

"She's human." I disagreed. I would have felt it if she wasn't and I felt nothing but a strong attachment to her.

"A Saci came to visit Alpha David yesterday. " Bryan informed me as if that was supposed to change my mind.

"A Saci?" One hasn't been spotted in Richmond in over 50 years. They would only appear in the presence of evil and an evil force enough to conjure up a Saci was something I had not heard of. A Saci was nothing good if anything they were the dangerous ones.

He nodded. "He spotted a girl matching the one in that cafeteria a few nights ago in Est Mortis. Only someone of great power can find that place, you know that. We can't take any chance with her. Kill her, kill the worrying."

"The worrying?" I asked. Had David told everyone about her?

"Do you really think your the only one feeling a link towards her?" He asked and I could tell he was being serious.

What the hell was going on?

I rubbed my hand over my forehead trying my best to think of any possible options that wouldn't lead to any bloodshed.

"Give me two weeks," I said Byran opened his mouth to protest but I quickly continued, "If she shows signs of any danger, I will end here."

He nodded before his eyes turned a crystal grey color. I waited patiently as he asked for permission.

His eyes turned back to its normal color. "You have two weeks. If any of our kind is killed at that time, David will have your head. Think wisely." He said before turning around and running past me and back to the school.

I stood there, hoping I would be right about Abigail and she wasn't the one that summoned such a treacherous creature.



Danny hadn't returned for the rest of lunch and his absence was bothering me. As much as I told myself not to worry, the strong emotion was still taking me over.

How could one rest knowing that they had shaken someone's life?

The rest of the school went by without any transactions though, other than the stares and the whispers about that Nathan guy. It was horrible. By the end of the day, the whole school knew about the small issue with Nathan. It was crazy how fast word traveled.

"Did you hear me?" Sarah asked, her hands placed on the counter in front of me. It wasn't too long ago I had stepped off the bus and met Sarah in the kitchen. Her white apron was tied tight around her small body and her hair pulled back into a bun.

I shook my head, starring as she moved gracefully around the kitchen.

She sighed. "How was school? Did you meet any new friends?"

"Umm." I pushed my hair out my face and bit my lip. "There's this girl named Jessica. She's really cool." I replied, still unsure if we were friends or not.

"Jessica Amberlyn?" She asked, stopping her search for a pan to stare at me. I shrugged my shoulders. Sarah shook her head and continued, "She's something."

"Yeah. You should see Danny." I mumbled, remember everything he had put me through today. He was some character.

Sarah eyes pierced through my body as she knitted her eyebrows as if she was confused about something. Her hands slid down the white cotton around her.

"What?" I asked.

She shook her head violently. "Nothing. Nothing. No. Nothing." She twisted her framed away from me and whispered quietly to herself.

I stood from the stool, that I had been sitting in since I arrived, and inched towards her. "Sarah, are you okay?" I questioned. What was so wrong with Danny?

She paused her brittle undertone and glanced at me over her shoulder. She didn't speak instead she stayed positioned with her neck twisted and her head turned to the side. I didn't really know what to do at this point. I had never dealt with such disparate behavior. I walked to her slowly and just as I got close enough to reach her, she jumped and turned to me with a thin smile.

"I'm fine, I just remembered that I forgot to take my medicine." Sarah rushed. She pulled at the knot at the back of her apron, "Let me go do that." The apron slides off her and she placed it on the counter before speeding away.

A frown made itself present on my confused and perplexed features. What the hell was wrong with her? I asked myself. Why would the system place me in the hands of such an unstable person?

I didn't know the answers to any of these but one thing, I was sure of was that I would not be mentioning Danny ever again. Maybe Danny was a bad person. Why else would Sarah react in that way? It had to be something.

I placed my hand against my forehead and walked down the hall to my room. This place was getting weirder by the second and I hadn't even been here for a week yet.

My room door was left ajar from earlier and when I pushed it open it swung back. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped from the sight in front of me. The blankets that were made this morning were now scattered along the floor. The drawers on the dresser were pulled open with all of my clothing hanging out of it.

I placed my hand on my mouth. What the actual hell? I ask myself.

My astonishment slowly started to turn to anger as I thought of Sarah and her unstableness. Did she do this? What was she looking for?

I shook my head.

I step farther into the room and slowly closed the door behind me. I was beyond upset as I stared at the mess. The only question that rung in my head was why. What was wrong with Sarah?

I sighed and moved around the room, cleaning it all up.


[ Unedited ]

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