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"Something Like That"


It turned out that my first period was history. I held my schedule and school map in my hands as I wondered the Halls of Richmond High School the next day. I still wasn't use to the huge halls and crowded area but somehow the class wasn't hard to find like the rest were. It was there, plain as day.

I walked into the quiet classroom with my head low and my eyes on the floor. My feet blindly carried me to a desk in the far left corner of the room. I removed my bag off my back and place it on the tile floor before sitting in the yellow colored chair.

I glanced at the clock at the front of the room. 8:15. The class didn't start till another five minutes. Jessica had got me into the habit of arriving early to class and it only took a day of 3 periods for it to happen.

My eyes scanned the room slowly taking in every aspect of history written on the grey walls. His room was amazing. It was filled with pictures and quotes dating all the way back to the Roman and Byzantine era. Some of them had speakers that spoke the words and others had them marked as "Nobody" or "anonymous". One stuck with me as I stared at it longer than the rest. It read "Human minds don't think by themselves, and the person it belongs to doesn't control it". The speaker wasn't given but in his place was a few words. A useless person. It made sense. I could hear the mindset of the useless person that wrote it.

I turned my eyes away, finally moving them away from the quote that deepens my thoughts on society and its effect on people. My breath caught in my throat as my eyes found something else or someone. A few seats behind me sat the one and only Nathan, staring at me. His dark hair was messy on top of his head as if he had run his hand through it all night long. He was leaned back in his chair with one of his legs stretched out under the desk.

It was just like yesterday but worst. He made no move to stop his eyes from searching my face. Heck, he didn't move at all.

I didn't either. I stared at him the same as he did me. I couldn't bring myself to look away and I didn't feel the least uncomfortable.

He was tanned golden like most of the guys here and his jawline could cut anything that touched it. His nose narrow and his lips pink like he had bit it multiple times. My heart raced in my chest as I realized what was happening. I had his attention. No one had had it as Danny and Jessica put out.

The thought made me blush and out of habit, I pulled my bottom lip slightly in my mouth, biting harder than I meant to. The movement didn't go unnoticed by Nathan. His eyes snapped to my lips, observing them before he looked away at his desktop. He sat up in his seat and ran his hands through his hair.

A little frown positioned itself on my lips as I turned back around in my seat to face the front of the room.

People started to enter the classroom with their friends, completely oblivious to the stare down that had just happened a few minutes ago. The room was practically full when Bryan entered with three other guys. They were in the middle of a funny conversation it seemed as Bryan through his head back and laughed at something the guy to his right had said. He responded back to the guy before he noticed me. His smile faded and a glare covered his features.

I didn't understand Bryan. He obviously didn't like me, but he also didn't have a reason too. It was my second day at this school and I was already making people hate me. What had I done to him?

They all walked past me and I had a feeling they went to sit with Nathan. My heart sunk. He was going to tell Nathan how he hated me. For no reason. I wouldn't be surprised if Nathan started glaring at me next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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