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"Because of Me"


The loud obnoxious bell rung out through the classroom and Jess stood swinging her bag on her shoulders. She looked down at Danny and me who was still sitting.

"Come on. We're gonna be late to class." She said waving her hands for us to hurry.

I really didn't understand Jess. One minute she was skipping a class and the next she was nagging about being late to another. How could you even be late? Yeah, the school was big but did they really need ten minutes to get to one class to the next? Ten minutes seemed like a very long time.

I turned and stared at Danny who was shaking his head. "Why are you in such a hurry?" He asked her probably thinking the same as I was.

"Because I don't want to be late. I have to go back downstairs to A hall."

Danny nodded as if understanding before he stood up. I followed behind him as he walked passed Jess and towards the door of the classroom. The hallway wasn't as crowded as it was before class but there were still people standing around, Socializing.

"Where's your next class?" Danny asked grabbing my arm to stop me from walking.

Jess suddenly popped up beside me with a wide smile on her face. She turned to Danny before speaking, "She actually has her next class with you I think." Her eyebrows pulled closer together. "Pre Calculus, Right?" She asked him.

He nodded and his brown hair fell over his face. His pale hand reached up to move it. It was like a movie scene where the spotlight's on the hot guy and everyone turns to look at him. Except everyone didn't turn to look and there was really no spotlight unless you counted the shine from Jessica's hair.

"Okay, Miss New Girl, class is not that far from here. Just go down this hall," Danny pointed to his left, "And take the first right you get to. It's the class with all the math problems on it. It's really hard to miss."

"Are you not going to class?" I asked, crossing my hands over my chest.

"Umm. No. Not today." He answered. Danny repositioned his bag on his shoulders before walking away. When he was a good distance away, He threw up his hand and yelled, "See ya at Lunch."

Jess and I watched as he walked smoothly down the hallway. Was it really that easy to skip class? At my old school skipping meant detention and depending on the teacher you had, you could have ended up suspended. Did this school not do that?

"He's going to get some dick," Jess whispered, still facing the direction that Danny had went.

I blinked a couple of times before facing her. Was she serious? A smile spread across my face. "Seriously?" I asked her.

She looked at me, her face as serious as an England guard's. "Yeah. Anyways I'll see you at lunch. Bye." She waved at me before she skipped down the stairs to A hall.

I chuckled to myself as I walked the way Danny had told me. I moved slowly down the hall looking for the 'First Right' that I was supposed to take to get to class.

I followed his directions to a T and I had still managed to get lost. The halls were starting to become untenanted and I as I glanced at the clock on the wall between two classrooms. 10:08.

I had two minutes to get to class before I was late. Having no other plan, I stopped in my tracks and did a U-turn back down the hall, retracing my steps. I could see the Bio class I had just exited from but as I examined the place there was no 'Right' turn anywhere but a few feet ahead was a left.

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