Memories and Her

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Lightsabers clashed and hummed. A pair of eyes couldn't be drawn away from the spectacle in front of them. The owner to the eyes wanted to join in. She was yet to build her own lightsaber, so she was relegated to wasting her time with practice blades forged from wood; or if she was lucky a dull vibroblade. At least the vibroblade, had seen more action than she had. Maybe if she could beat Saylo in a duel, that good-for nothing Zabrak would leave her alone. He always teased her about her heritage. If she made a mistake, Saylo just had to make things worse, by announcing it to everyone. The only person, who could see through Saylo's machinations, was currently very preoccupied. Thankfully, Master Luke had caught wind of Saylo's latest plot, to rig her BB-8 unit to explode. He was on archive organizing duty. She couldn't say she felt pity for the Zabrak, as he tried to destroy her best friend, and first droid. She had lost 3 inches of hair, and a pair of good robes, but it was worth it to see the Zabrak admit defeat in front of the master himself. If the Zabrak's horns descended any further, they would scrape the ground below them. Right now, Saylo wasn't there to interfere in her study of light saber combat. The rapid strikes and counter-strikes of the blades was enough to draw her away from the glorious thought that Saylo was missing an incredible duel. The two best duelists of the academy were going at each other's throats.

Ben flew at Padme in a maelstrom of yellow pillars. Padme was trying so very hard to refrain from breaking her act, but her cousin was just so damn annoying. He walked around as if he were the next Grandmaster in the making, just because he was the oldest, and flaunted it with everything he was worth. Her father had defended his nephew, with a few light chuckles and a rolling of the eyes here and there, but he dismissed it like it was just another youngling stealing Kashyykk bites from the provisions center. If only she could put him in his place, then he might stop behaving like a pompous Ewok butt. Disregarding her father's ludicrous warnings, Padme stepped on Ben's foot and elbowed him in the nose. She smiled to herself, as she had finally proven the mighty Ben Solo was human after all. Expecting a humble surrender, Padme was horrified to see Ben look her way with a glare as frosty as the snowy oceans of Hoth. She recoiled slightly at the menace that rang from Ben's narrowed eyes, and backed away, her motions were hindered, as he chained her in a force bind. This was so unlike him; how could he do this to her? They were family. The idea of a fellow apprentice incapacitating a peer with the Force was frightening, and here she was in that exact situation. The pressure around her throat intensified, and began to squeeze. Ben looked almost pleased at the pain he was causing. Ben's sudden change of character was too much. Padme had enough of placating her cousin's petty delusions. The chokehold shattered as soon as she blinked, and his lightsaber soared from its resting place in her cousin's hands and into her own. She disengaged the weapon, and with a wave of her hand, her cousin fell sound asleep.

"Younglings, go find something productive today. The fight is over."

The conglomeration of varying species, sighed in disappointment and broke away from the field of younglings. Padme turned to ascertain that Ben was still asleep, and walked away to notify her father of her cousin's actions. She blew a renegade blonde hair from her eyes and stomped forward. The women in the Skywalker family always had to clean up the men's colossal size messes. Before she dipped through the doorway, she cast one more glance at her cousin and spotted a miniature figure leaning over him, and healing his scrapes. If only the girl wasn't so naïve, her little heart wouldn't break.

The pebbles hit their intended mark. He was hiding from his uncle behind the barrier imposed by the shrine to Anakin Skywalker. She could always trust him to come to this spot, when he found himself in a sticky situation. She theorized that the sculpture of his grandfather with a fierce tint to his stone eyes offered Ben a sense of comfort and pride, as those were his grandfather's eyes. This was the closest Ben would ever get to Anakin Skywalker, as his ashes were stowed away in some fortified stronghold, and he never lived to meet his first grandchild. She could read in between the lines, and the fact that he was so close to Anakin, and yet so far wore on his trademark smirk. In other words, his eyes always failed to register what was happening in front of him; instead seeing an entirely different world. He was completely entranced by the riches that the distant land supplied. His faraway gaze was part of the reason she was so drawn to him, as no one understood what it was like to live another life. Having a new identity that she could assume whenever she needed, Ben's was much more involuntary than hers.

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